Chap. 4 🔥

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The day passed, and surprisingly no one came to bring Keigo back in the training room. Touya had to leave for an hour, but came back uninjured and in a relatively good mood, which was quite the shock for both boys. Keigo just deemed it his lucky day, saying that maybe the adults hadn't forgotten and it was a gift. But it never happened to Touya. His special day went by without a single change in the usual schedule. He even suspected that they made him work harder than a regular day.

As the two chatted, Keigo thanking the other a thousand times for the present, more and more staff members crowded the doorway, looking at Keigo with a kind of greed that terrified. The usual rowdiness of the common room was reduced to a few whispers here and there. No one dared to speak up, to try and understand the situation. When the high supervisor entered, all the remaining murmurs stopped. Every kid in the room backed into a corner, all expecting the worst. The lady glanced around, obviously searching for someone in particular. Her eyes landed on the winged boy hiding behind his shaking friend.

She pointed at Keigo, ordering him to advance. He reluctantly stepped out from Touya's protection and slowly made his way to the door, ignoring the snickers coming from the others. He braced himself, not knowing what he had done and wondering if it was worth getting hit for it. When the lady grabbed his arm, in a way that made him think she was scared of him running away, he understood. The only other time the boy was grabbed like that was when he was brought here. As the realization dawned on him, he started thrashing and pulling away from the death grip, to no avail. He didn't want to leave Touya, he didn't know if he'd be able to.

"Keigo Takami, you are to stop this behaviour immediately," the supervisor said in a sharp voice.

Fear flooded Keigo as he noticed her grip wasn't faltering. He tried to tell Touya, who was very scared and confused, what was happening but the words refused to come out. The only noise he was capable of making were these distressed clicks. The terror in his eyes must've been clear though, since the white-haired boy was slowly making his way to the door.

"What are you doing to him?," he asked tentatively. Everyone's heads snapped in his direction, some expressions bewildered, other furious. "Let him go, h-he didn't do anything," he continued.

"Of course he did something. This boy just had to show off how good of a hero he could be. It's all his fault that he is here," the lady holding Keigo said.

"The only reason he's here is because you were the ones who found him first!"

"Touya..." Keigo looked at him fearfully, "Please don't do this..."

"Don't do this...? Don't. Do. This? Do you even know what they're doing? If I let you go through that door, I will never see you again! And judging by how easily you're letting them take you, you clearly don't care about that!," his usually soft voice was becoming more and more aggressive as he went on, breaking at the last words.

"Mr. Todoroki! Mind yourself! It isn't like we are changing the agency he'll be attending, you'll be neighbours. You'll definitely cross paths again," one of their main administrators chimed in, meaning well.

It helped Keigo relax, but Touya only got angrier.

"That's a lie! I've heard that line a million times before, and each time it isn't true! Now let Keigo go or I'll... I'll burn the building down," he exclaimed, blue flames appearing in his hand. Tears were streaming down his face, but he didn't notice until his vision became blurry.

"Someone! Take him out!," a voice yelled, lost in the chaos of the moment.

Keigo, once again, couldn't help his friend. He tried, but the more he fought, the stronger the grip on his arm got. He knew that if he followed the adults out of the room, his chances of seeing Touya again were close to zero. So he flapped his wings, trying to push his restrainers away. It only resulted in his arm breaking with a sickening crack and a yelp that made the whole room wince. Touya's head shot up from his position on the floor and a flash of fury flickered in his eyes, but before he could do anything, a punch to the temple knocked him out.

"TOUYA!!," Keigo screamed, immediately breaking down in tears. He had seen the blue eyed boy hurt so many times before, but this was different. "What did you do to him," he demanded through gritted teeth.

"He was simply being a nuisance and we had to do something about it. I don't see what the big deal is," the high supervisor, who was also the one who broke his arm, said blankly.

"Don't you call Touya a nuisance."

He was so angry that he didn't realize how far they had gone. He tried to run back to the common room, back to his best friend to make sure he was okay, but his injured arm was twisted by one of the staff members and he dropped to his knees, hissing in pain.

After a 30 minute walk, the blonde boy was thrown into a room with no windows and no color. It was almost completely empty, save for the small bed in the corner. The blandness wasn't ideal, but he one thing that bothered Keigo the most was the lack of people. He installed himself on the creaky bed with the only thing they let him keep.

A pair of bright yellow goggles.


He spent the next 5 years developing a deep hatred for the place that ruined his childhood. He hated the grey walls staring at him everyday. He hated the food and its tastelessness. He even started really hating the kids that were in his first training room. But most of all, he hated himself for letting his first and best friend.

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