Chap. 10 🔥

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Dabi was stunned into silence. He suspected to have heard wrong, Hawks' innocent, clueless expression, confusing him even more.

"Sorry, what?" he choked out, refusing to believe that the other had asked that question.

"Can I?" Hawks asked, not understanding the confusion. "I mean, kiss you?"

What the fuck am I supposed to say to that, the villain panicked, having never dealt with a situation like this. Do I agree and move on? The fuck do I do?

"Why?" he questioned, still dumbfounded.

"I don't know, you're pretty," the hero said, leaning even more into Dabi. He wasn't aware of the effect he was having the blue-eyed man. Not used to compliments and fuelled by a newfound desire, his feat heated up and he caught himself staring at Hawks' lips. He blamed his behaviour on the cigarette, knowing it would take more than one to do anything.

"So?" Hawks was growing impatient, and his little pout made Dabi's heart skip a beat.

"Yes," he breathed, two inches away from the blondie's face, "You can kiss me, birdie."

Hawks closed the distance between them, their lips connecting. His hands slowly moved from Dabi's neck to his hair, entangling his fingers in the surprisingly soft tufts. The villain licked his bottom lip, both as a response to his hair being tugged and to ask for permission. Hawks parted his parted his lips, inviting the other in. Their teeth clashed against each other and it was messy but it was intimate and it left both of them breathless. Hawks' wings were closing around them, adding to the familiarity around them.

When Dabi broke the kiss, panting, he was met with Hawks' dazed look. Before he could do anything else, he remembered where he was and removed his hand from the other's waist. He was a little surprised at his own actions and couldn't really face the hero beside him. So he decided to look at the view in front of him, trying to ignore the blush rising to his face as he felt Hawks rest his head on his shoulder. His weight shifted and he heard the soft, steady breathing coming from his side, indicating Hawks had fallen asleep.

Picking the bird boy up bridal style, Dabi walked back into the apartment and placed him down gently on the couch, adding a thin blanket at his feet. It was 1AM and the villain wasn't planning on staying much longer. He took one last look at the home, and decided to clean up the stray bottles laying on the floor. Once satisfied, he started towards the door, stopping right next to Hawks' sleeping figure and placing a chaste kiss on his forehead.

"Goodnight, Kei," he whispered, finally going back to the base.


"Here are the plans for the Liberation Project," Re-Destro stated, pointing to a projection in the back of the room. He opened his mouth to say something else when the door behind him opened to reveal Shigaraki. He seemed to be enlightened with a new life force. Knowing him, Dabi suspected some kind of big secret weapon to exterminate the heroes was going to be released.

"Welcome the star of the show, the League of Villain's leader, Tomura Shigaraki," Re-Destro exclaimed, not bothering to hide his disgust towards the man. "He's going to be leaving us for a few months to get more powerful and become the tool we need to overthrow the heroes."

Dabi rolled his eyes, silently glad that he wouldn't have to deal with his leader for a while, and wandered off, already bored of the meeting. He found himself thinking about Hawks and if he would also receive this information. He'd unknowingly grown attached to the winged man during the past month. Maybe it was because of their past friendship and his need to fix it. But whatever it was, the kiss wasn't helping. He wanted to remove the bird man from his mind but every time someone mentioned him, it was like reliving the moment.

His soft lips perfectly molding with Dabi's, his gentle hands playing with the villain's hair, everything seeming to go quiet as soon as they embraced. Just thinking about it made his face redden. Unfortunately, he knew that, with the amount of alcohol Hawks had drank, he'd be the only one to remember it. In that moment, he wanted to go back, to tell the hero everything, up to his real identity. But he couldn't take the risk, especially since Hawks was so closely affiliated with Endeavour. He was pulled out of his thought spiral by Toga, who looked both amused and worried.

"You good?" Dabi asked, his older brother instincts kicking in. "Who do I need to kill?"

"Oh, no one! I just came here to, um, warn you about Kurogiri," the girl answered, giggling a little as she checked the surroundings. "He may have found out about our little 'party'."

All colour drained from the dark-haired man's face as he stared at her wide-eyed. "Oh, fuck..." he muttered, before running off, Toga's hysterical laughter echoing in the background.

Maybe he had a reason to go back to Hawks after all.


Hawks awoke with a pounding in his head, half of his body hanging off the couch. He didn't know how he got there, the events of the previous night foggy and unclear in his mind. He tried to stand up to get a glass of water, but he fell right back down, whining and clutching his skull.

"Stupid hangover... Why'd I have to drink so much?" he hissed, debating if sending one of his feathers to get the much needed beverage was a good idea. It technically was, if you didn't count all the items that would be broken due to Hawks' current poor control.

A knock at the door startled him, his wings wrapping around defensively. Only one person knew where he lived, and she was supposed to be on patrol in another city. Whoever it was, he didn't want to have to fight them, given his weakened state. So, he shed a few feathers and tried to get them to open the door. A tall, dark man stepped in as soon as the doorknob could twist.

"Dabi?" Hawks questioned, concerned about how the villain knew where he lived.

"Hey, little birdie," he smirked, inviting himself in. "Where were you this morning? Meeting was definitely important. And by that, I mean I didn't listen at all."

"Hold on, I'm getting a feeling of major déjà-vu, gimme a sec."

"Hm, how weird. Okay, let's close the door, yeah?"

"Why are you in such a hurry? D'you get chased by the police? If you manage to lead them in here, I swear I will kill y-"

"Shut up," Dabi shushed, putting a hand over Hawks' mouth. "Kurogiri kinda knows I went against his orders and gave Toga alcohol. So now, either I stay here and delay my slow and painful death, or I go back outside and immediately get ripped to shreds by a big purple misty thing. So shut up."

The hero chuckled, amused by the role Kurogiri was supposedly playing. The League turned out to just be one big chaotic family with major daddy issues. No wonder he got along with them. He sighed, telling Dabi that he could stay for the day, expecting him to be gone by nightfall.

"And if you tell anyone about this place, you're as good as dead. Got it?"

"Crystal clear, bird brains."

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