Chapter 1

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 A/N: Hello all! Yes I am aware that this is a year late, but for those of you finding this on Wattpad, welcome! I'm glad you found my story! This fanfiction was made by me a year ago after I was desperate for the show to continue (I really wasn't ready for it to end even if it ended happily). So bear in mind that this writing is a year old, and I assure you it gets better!

This story is completed on A03, as that was the first site I published fanfics on. But I decided to spread publicity of my fanfics by posting them on Wattpad too (I'm hoping to bring joy to any of you LIS fan out there!)! For those of you that have come from A03, also welcome! You'll see as I post more chapters that this time more soundtracks and even artwork made by me of certain scenes of the book will be incuded (That's a big reason I decided to post it here!)! Yes, you will finaly see what Starpelt looks like!

Whatever reason you're here I really hope you enjoy my fanfic, and I thank you so much for reading! Chapters will be posted every Sunday until all 34 are posted (You know with school and all, plus I wanna give you guys enough time to read!). Again, thank you so much for reading and don't hesitate to tell me what you think! I'd love to hear your opinions!


Chapter 1

"This is day 532 of the first Robot-Human Exploratory group." Will said into his recorder. "We've finished exploring planet..." He looked at Robot. "Did we not give this one a name yet?" Will asked, surprised. Robot turned to him, and gave a quiet whir. "No Will Robinson." he replied. Will chuckled nervously, but kept the recording running. He felt like he'd want to have proof of how the naming process worked for later. "So..? Any ideas?" He asked. Robot walked to him, and looked at the recording. "Trust." he said. Will smiled, and laughed. "We named the system that, buddy." Robot looked at him, and shrugged. It was apparently a new thing he'd learned to do.

Robot seemed pleased that he'd caught on to the human movement so quickly, and that Will was amused by it. "Alright let's think. This planet, was...a frozen wasteland, but it was covered in magnesium. And had some...less then friendly carnivores" Will looked at Robot, who looked back. It was kind of like Unknown planet, where they met. "Find, family." Robot suggested. Will smiled. "Yeah, we could call it Family." Will nodded. Robot seemed satisfied. This was the second planet they'd explored together, and Will knew that none of the planets would have elaborate, scientific names. But that was ok with him. All that mattered to him was that he was exploring the new galaxy with his best friend/ Kind of like brother.

Since their whole being lost in space adventure, Will had become infatuated with finding new alien life and systems similar to theirs. And, now that they had a robot engine, and Robot to control it, they could go almost anywhere. They'd started small, in a system not far from that of Alpha Centauri. The initial scan Robot had taken of this system showed many planets capable of life (59 in fact). It would be hard to be back before Christmas with all of this ahead of them. It had taken them over a year to explore 2 planets. Will turned back to his recording. "We've finished exploring Family, and are moving on to the third planet in the Trust system." he paused. "Who's name will be specified at a later date." he smiled, and ended the transmission.

"Alright. Let's start the pre-launch protocols." he said, picking up a supply crate heading into the Jupiter. Robot picked up the last of the supply crates, and followed him in. A few minutes later, they were ready to take off. Robot stood next to him as Will lit up the console and initiated the thrusters. They watched as the icy planet faded from view. "Goodbye, Family." Will said, to no one in particular. As the Jupiter broke out of the atmosphere, and out of orbit, Will removed his helmet, and exhaled. He looked at the console. 6 hours until they reached the next inhabited planet.

They could've very well used the alien engine they had. But it was kind of an unspoken thing that they only used it over long distances and emergencies. He could tell, even though he hid it well, that Robot sometimes still had scars from all that'd happened to them because of that engine. Plus, that amount in time came in handy. Will cracked his neck. His internal clock was all off. He'd gotten up early to help Robot with finalizing everything before being absolutely sure they were ready to leave. He didn't exactly remember when he last slept. Robot looked at him. "Sleep, Will Robinson." he said. "Hey! That's a new word!" Will smiled, nudging Robot proudly.

Robot's lights whirled around faster across his face, usually a sign he was happy. It was then he saw his reflection. It was easy to tell that Robot didn't need a special connection to know that Will was tired. "Alright, you've got me. I'll sleep for a bit. You've got everything under control?" he asked. "Trust, Will Robinson." Robot replied. Will smiled, and put his hand on Robot's shoulder. "That's what I thought." he said, switching the Jupiter to autopilot. Robot was probably the one he trusted most to look after a Jupiter. Well, that and the fact that the Jupiter was programmed by his mother (AKA the best scientist in his opinion). He could sense Robot's gaze on him as he headed to his chambers.

After washing up a bit, Will made himself comfortable in his bed. When he was younger, the different hums and slight creaks of the Jupiter would make him uneasy. But now he found it a soothing ambiance. Thudding footsteps alerted him to Robot's presence outside his cabin. "Hey. I'm ok you know." he said. Robot whirred, but didn't move. "You are really stubborn you know that?" he asked. Robot just turned to him, and shrugged. Yeah he wasn't going anywhere. Will sighed, and turned on his side. He knew why Robot was so protective of him, even now.

He'd felt Robot's fury, and fear when SAR stabbed his heart, and even more so when Will was about to die from heart strain. Will tensed. Robot had sacrificed himself to keep Will safe, even after everything. It was only a miracle that Robot had been able to implant a part of himself into Will for when SAR went at his heart again. He'd saved both of them. And he also suffered so much because of Will. That's something he reminded himself of every day as to not ever take Robot for granted ever again. That's why he never objected to Robot's sometimes overprotective antics.

Will was pretty sure if the roles were reversed, he would do the same thing.

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