Friendship Games Part 7

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Dopey is petting his cat, and then he sees Grumpy popping out of a bush.

Dopey: Do you want to give her a treat?

Grumpy: Guess I'm not the only one to smuggle his pet all over the place.

Dopey: (giggles) Not just one.
A few other pets of Dopey's gathered around him.

Grumpy: Oh, wow. All I have is Sir Yipsalot.

Sir Yipsalot: (panting)
Dopey picks up Sir Yipsalot.

Dopey: It really is uncanny. Does he talk?

Grumpy: Um, not that I know of.
Dopey gives Sir Yipsalot a gentle belly rub.

Dopey: Congratulations on winning, by the way. Though, it didn't seem like anyone on your team was very excited about it.

Grumpy: No one at the university I teach at gets excited about anything they didn't do themselves.

Dopey: That sounds awful. Here. Hold this.
Dopey hands Grumpy a bunny.

Grumpy: Um, why?

Dopey: Holding a bunny always makes me feel better.

Grumpy: Well, that's ridiculous. But... ooh. It actually kind of works. I'm on the other team, and you just lost. Why are you being so nice to me?

Dopey: You looked like you needed it.
Dopey begins to pony up.

Grumpy: (gasps) Woah!
Grumpy's device starts to drain the magic out of Dopey. It also creates a bunch of portals, with a small rabbit with antlers jumping out of one of them.

Sir Yipsalot: (growls)
Sir Yipsalot chases the rabbit into the portals. The last one he jumps out of, he gets hit by Dopey's magic and falls into Dopey's arms.

Grumpy: Sir Yipsalot!

Sir Yipsalot: (yowls)

Grumpy: Sir Yipsalot!

Dopey: (shudders)

Grumpy: Sir Yipsalot, are you okay?

Sir Yipsalot: Um, I think so.

Grumpy and Sir Yipsalot: Daaaah!!!
Grumpy runs off, with Sir Yipsalot following him.

Sir Yipsalot: Grumpy, wait!

Dopey: (sighs) Bye.

Grumpy: (panting)

Sir Yipsalot: Grumpy, come on! Wait for me! (panting) Why did you run away like that?

Grumpy: Um, oh, I don't know. Maybe it has something to do with the glowing guy, or the hole in space. Or my talking dog!

Sir Yipsalot: Yeah. Weird, right?

Grumpy: Are you okay? How do you feel? What happened? Where did you go?

Sir Yipsalot: Hey, one question at a time! This is pretty new to me, too.

Grumpy: Sorry.

Sir Yipsalot: All I know is I chased that pointy rabbit through the glowy thing and then I was somewhere else. Next thing I knew, I was back in that nice guy's arms and I could talk! I don't really understand why I couldn't before. I mean, it's so easy.

Principal Hildy: Grumpy.

Grumpy: Quick! Hide in here!
Sir Yipsalot quickly jumps into Grumpy's backpack (in the movie, Sci-Twi hides Spike in a locker, but I just wanted to change that part up a little bit).

Principal Hildy: Who are you talking to?

Grumpy: Um, myself. It's a nervous habit. Were you looking for me?

Principal Hildy: Indeed I was. Quite a coincidence that the Jollywood people moving on to the next event are the same nice guys who were so interested in you, don't you think?

Grumpy: I'm not sure.

Principal Hildy: Perhaps you should get to know them after all.

Grumpy: But I thought you didn't want me to.

Principal Hildy: Let's just say I'm covering my bases. Who knows? Perhaps they will reveal to you the secret to Jollywood's newfound success.

Grumpy: I dunno. Spying feels kind of... wrong.

Principal Hildy: Well, it's your decision, Grumpy. It's not as if your application hangs in the balance. On second thought, yes, it does.
Principal Hildy walks away. Grumpy unzips his backpack all the way.

Sir Yipsalot: Man, she's awful. What are you gonna do?

Grumpy: (sighs) I don't know, Sir Yipsalot. I don't know.

Dopey: All I did was hand Grumpy a bunny. Then I ponied up.

Doc: I just don't get it. Sneezy's magic came out when he made us outfits. Happy's when he fixed the party and now Dopey.

Dopey: And then Grumpy's pendant thingy just pulled the magic right out of me. I couldn't even stand up.

Happy: Like me at the party!

Sneezy: Or me right before we met Grumpy!

Doc: So he's stealing magic?

Sleepy: I don't know. He doesn't seem like the magic-stealin' type.

Doc: Yeah, but he had something to do with closing the portal. If his pendant can pull in magic, maybe it stole the portal, too.

Dopey: How?

Doc: I don't know, and the person who could help me figure this out is completely unreachable now.

Happy: Which is too bad because Grumpy knows everything about magic and portals and magical portals and portable magics!

Bashful: For now, let's just focus on beating the Shadowbolts. And as long as this event puts me in a playing field, I don't think we've got anything to worry about.

Sleepy: Oh, it puts you on a playin' field, alright.

Happy: (gasps loudly)
The 6D all give a look at the big-ass motorcross playing field.

Doc: Am I the only one who thinks this is overkill?

Sleepy: (to Sneezy) I don't suppose you made motocross outfits.

Sneezy: Oh, don't be ridiculous. Of course I did!

Principal Hildy: You will race in pairs. Emily and Ally will handle the motocross.

Emily: Yes!

Principal Hildy: Diamond and Wolfie have requested the short track.
Diamond and Wolfie high-five each other.

Principal Hildy: Since archery is a standard requirement at our school, any of you should be able to do it. Grumpy and Lavender will start us off.

Lavender: (sourly) Well, that's just marvelous! (sourly) If you wanna lose before we even start!

Principal Hildy: Given that Grumpy won the last event single-handedly, I have every confidence that he will be able to pull his weight here. Won't you?
Grumpy gives her a nervous look.

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