Chapter 1: What A Day

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(Trigger Warning Ahead: Cursing, Light gore, mentions of an1ma1 ab0s3. You have been warned.)

(PR) = pronouns like sir, ma'am, mx. etc...

Ludo, what have you done to me? (Y/N) thought to themself as they stared at the mass of games in front of them. Ludo, in the span of a few days, sent several large boxes to (Y/N)'s front door. The smallest of the boxes surprisingly held hardcopy cases and disks of the games that Ludo had previously sent over on platforms like Steam, while the larger of the several boxes held a large assortment of memorabilia. Items ranging from action figures, to posters, to books, to, whatever Ludo could cram into one box.

How rich is the chaos gremlin? They thought to themself again whilst shoving the last of the items into their homes across the house. Their favourite item at that moment was the small statue of Alexios. They had placed him in the kitchen far back on the counter out of (P/N)'s reach. His small plastic hands were set about in the perfect display of chaotic rage to allow his new owner to place a kitchen knife in his hold.

With a soft smile on their face they headed for the stairs and went up. Stepping onto the second floor landing they opened the door to their tower study and sat down in their gaming chair, twirling around in it slightly as they caringly glanced over their room. A number of new posters and figurines were cast over the room in a moment of rushed chaos. Their favourite posters hung over their computer, one was of the Italian assassin, Ezio Auditore.

The night the games initially arrived, (Y/N) had spent hours pouring over the games and figuring out where to start. They held a certain love for Italy and its rich culture, so they decided to start with Ezio's storyline. They played through his three games within a couple weeks, a hundred percenting everything possible (including finding every damn feather for Petruccio). Underneath the poster of Ezio were figures of Ezio and the rest of his family together, something they figured would fit, and, that even though they were just toys, would make Ezio happy to be with his lost family again.

On the left of the computer of course was Altair, the grumbling novice himself. His game was the second to be played, there was a lot of screeching at the different controls and... interesting, water mechanics.

Turning to face their computer again, they booted up the software and pulled up another game. Having recently completed Assassins Creed 3 and watching the heroic death of Desmond Miles, they moved on to another game in the saga: Assassin's Creed Chronicles: China.

They listened to the chimes of the music as Chronicles booted up, smiling in excitement for the new game to begin. This is definitely a hyperfixation. They thought to themself as they hit the start button on the games main screen.

Shao Jun huh? I like her... both hot and filled with venom. Good mix, terrifying, but cool. (Y/N) thought as they glanced over at the action figure of the character, smiling at it before going back to the game. They played for a few hours, getting a good portion of the game completed before pausing the game and looking around their house for a certain fluffy companion.

"Hey (P/N)? You wanna go for a walk, bud?" (Y/N) called out into the lonely house. Their ears were soon met with loud and chaotic barking as a blur of gold came bounding up the stairs and into their study, a soggy tennis ball in their mouth as they continued to bark and dance around excitedly.

Laughing, (Y/N) stretched and stood up, gingerly grabbing the ball of sogginess and tossing it down the hallway, away from the stairs. They left the study and headed down to the main living room, grabbing a leash and harness out of a couch side table close to the door. (Y/N) watched in amusement as their dog rounded the corner and came bounding towards them.

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