Chapter 7.5: The Outside Pt. 2

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The projectile hit in front of Connor and I, sending a shockwave out in all directions. The shockwaves knocked off the bike and threw us off. Tumbling in the street, Desmond stops his truck before it hit us. I lay on the ground in a daze, a loud ringing in my ears. I felt like someone was picking me up and laying me down on something, familiar voices speaking around me. Then everything slowly went black.

Hours later I woke up in a wooden roofed room, a throbbing pain thundered in the back of my head as I slowly began to open my eyes, a few people sat around me, asleep in a few off to the side chairs. Evie, Connor, and Desmond all sat around me. "What happened... why are they here..?" I thought to myself.

I slowly began to sit up, looking around. I look at the Assassins sitting around me as Achilles walks into the room. "Finally awake I see, the Assassins were all worried about you after you got blown off that bike, was it?" he asks, walking over to me with a wet rag, motioning for me to lay back down on the mattress below me.

I nod and lay down, looking at him as he placed the cool rag on my forehead, the pain numbed slightly, "Yeah, a motorcycle... Connor and I were thrown off after some guy from Abstergo shot us with some sort of bomb," I reply slowly, holding my head in my hands.

Hearing my voice, the three Assassins in the room slowly stir from their restful watch. Evie's eyes widen as she immediately stands up from her chair and hugs me, Desmond following right after.

Connor sat behind them, an ashamed look controlling his face. He was guilty about what had happened to me.

"Connor, what's wrong?" I asked, even though I already knew the answer to his struggles. It was still clearly written on his face.

He looked over at me, shock on his normally expressionless face. He stood up and walked over to me as Evie and Desmond stepped back, a sorrowful look painted on them both as they watched Connor come over and hug me, quiet tears falling from his eyes. "I'm sorry..." were the only words that left his mouth as he sobbed silently.

Closing my eyes I hug Connor back, rubbing gentle circles on his back to help him calm down as I start humming a soft tune. As I continued, I noticed his shuddering form slowly calm down as he clung to me desperately.

After several minutes of silence, I noticed that the other three in the room besides Connor and I had left. Breaking the silence surrounding us, Connor finally speaks again, "I'm sorry I didn't protect you after we were flung off the bike, your body shielded mine from the ground below us, protecting me from injury, but landing you with a minor concussion, and a large bruise on your back and head... All of this is my fau-"

I cut him off, "Connor, this is not your fault, if anything, blame it on fate for having it so, the only reason this happened because I chose to help you because the Templar chose to fire that shock-bomb at us, you are not at fault, Connor. Don't you ever think that again." I say, a light glare overtaking my face as I looked at him.

He nods, wiping the tears that occasionally fell down his toned face. He leaned down and placed a gentle kiss on my forehead, "thank you for your words, (Y/N)," he says.

I nod, a slight smile on spreading across my lips, "Of course, I'll always be here, whether its to protect you, or to help heal you with my words the best that I can." I say to him, the smile never leaving.

He smiles back before going back to his normal stoic expression. Standing up he excused himself and left the room.

Sighing softly, I snuggle back into the covers and fall asleep.

Connor's POV:

A soft sigh escapes my lips as I walk down the hall to my own chambers. I shoulder have been quicker, I should have protected her as she had done for my brothers and I... No, I can't think like that, she even said herself that it wasn't my fault. But that alone is helping with taking away the guilt that I feel for my careless actions. I think to myself as I open the door to my room and walk over to the bed, sitting down and putting my head in my hands.

My thoughts whirled around my head like the great sea storms that happen over the ocean. I looked out the window, a light rain pelted the forest as trainees trained in the rain, trying to get better with combat and stealth.

After several minutes of restlessness, I finally am calm enough to lay down and take a small rest.


Hey guys, sorry for the short chapter, I don't have too many ideas and part of this chapter was filler. Nonetheless, I hope you all enjoyed the chapter and I will see you guys in the next one! Arreviderci~!

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