Thanksgiving 💀😘

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•^ Today, Senju was in the forest trying to find a turkey while Hakkai and Angry were at the store getting the other things to have a Thanksgiving dinner tonight. 

With Hakkai and Angry....

Angry and Hakkai were shopping at  'WALMART🎇' because yes😚. Angry was pushing the cart while Hakkai was in it (Man having the time of his life 😭😶). Hakkai had a list of they had to get which was= Ham,extra Turkey(because there is a lot of them),gravy,cake mix,pie crust and ect.... Angry had already gotten everything but THE TURKEY. A random Lady was about to get the last Turkey but Angry wasn't having that 😭😶😟 so he pushed the cart VERY FAST THAT HAKKAI ALMOST FELL OUT OF IT. Hakkai snatched the turkey away from the lady and both were screaming " YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS🎇✨😈 ". Angry and Hakkai went to the check out and got their groceries checked.

With Kawagari Senju....

Kawagari was in camouflage to blend with the trees so she could catch a turkey and she had a gun with her that had two poisonous bullets inside of it. Kawagari was hiding being a tree peaking from it seeing a beautiful turkey❤✨😈 and she dropped to the ground. Also she ended up getting dirt on her face and that didn't matter so Kawagari was crawling on the ground to shoot the turkey. Kawagari placed the gun target at the Turkey and shot it but ended up shooting two😈✨. " SCOREEEEEEEEEE✨ " Kawagari screamed✨!.

The trio met up and went back to the Mansion. When they opened the from door everyone was in the living room chilling idk why but everybody looked at them like the three were crazy. Because Kawagari had dirt all over face and 2 dead turkeys in her arms and Hakkai and Angry were sweating. But everyone went back to what they were doing so the trio started cooking the food. Kawagari was plucking,clean and washing the turkeys. Hakkai was cooking the ham and the turkey while Angry made the stuffing,dressing and gravy and all three of them baked the cakes and sweet potato pies(the desserts were based off what my mom made for Thanksgiving💀) Everyone had a nice Thanksgiving dinner     THE END

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