chapter 3

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(The mans name is eric)

Eric-My i just can not stop touching your hips now can i...he said grinning


Takemichi P.O.V
Why does he keep on touching my god damm hips.

Takemichi - get your dirty hands of me he said glarring

Eric then pulled takemichi into a kiss.Takeimchi was groaning and fighting back eric to let him loose.However eric was biting takemichis lips for entrance.Takemichi had enough of his bullshit and let his tounge slip into his mouth
,eric was exploring takemchis mouth.then eric was slightly and smoothly pulling takemchi's shirt off.Takemichi thought that this was going to far but takemichi couldn't get his body moving because eric was pinning him down

Takemichi-Plz stop i dont even know you!!!He said crying and squirming to make eric let him loose.

Eric just couldn't get enough of takemichis face he looked so flustured.Takemichi then heard some noice coming from the club he heard mikey and the rest going to the taxi with that "slut" he said dramiticlly.

Takemichi then got loosed by eric because he hit him in the balls but that was a last resort because takemichi really  was horny at that time and eric helped him cool down.Takemichi then ran to the taxi trying to forget about the thing while eric was trying to get him to stay and have a little more "fun".

No ones P.O.V
The ride was preety quiet,other than mouths seperating one from eachother and a hoe putting her tounge in everyone's mouth.Takemichi was jelose and he knew that.He couldn't stop thinking about mikey,sanzu,koko,ran,and rindou.How pleased he will be if at least one of them put their c*** inside of him.
Ok that is enough for me.
Oh and also their is going to be some of more smut but for that hoe and the whole bonten....
Sorry just trust me i already have the story plot planned

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