Chapter 8

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Previously in the last chapter......
Takemichi was now getting up to go and have some fun time with the h**~
As he was getting up he turned around to see bonten talking about somthing with a seriose look,some were staring back at him with a dead ass glare.

Takemichi then looked back to the girls direction in terror regretting his life desicion....The h** was dragging hims to her room,where it smells like to many cummed in the sheetes.When the h** closed the door,takemichi already started kissing her like there was no tommarow.You can hear the h** moan in plessure.Takemichi explored every last inch in her him her tounge tasted like to much c** and wine.
Takemichi then turned her around taking of her red sparling stripper dress.While the h** face cheek was touching the cold white door.Takemichi then moved up at her ass getting ready for what he was about to do..Takemichi then turned to the h**'s ass,He was about to die of laughter,It smelled like fishsticks....He was disgusted and thought of how,how many men sleeped with this little sl**.
Takemichi then said oh how sexy you look~ As he slowly started leaving kiss marks on her nape.Making the girl groan.Takemichi then said oh my,That necklace is in the way..can i take it off~ he said whispering in her ear not ready for what he was about to do..
Takemichi gently started taking off her necklace,the h** did not mind anything,she did not know that this was going to be her last night alive.
Takemichi left the necklace right in the front of her neck and started chocking her,Making sure to put more pressure...He kept on hearing all the cries the women's mouth left,she kept on struggling, trying to fight back with takemichi but had no success  because takemichi was now very strong.
Takemichi kept on saying Im sorry,im sorry,im sorry,im sorry. As if those were the only words he knew.
The women kept on struggling untill she went quiet and collapsed.Takemichi checked her pulse to see if he had done the job...He then thought of a way to make this seem like a "accident"
As he thought of one,he quicly made her look like she did suicide.And quickly left out of the room with no suspicion.
Im so sorry- he said until he bumped into someone....He looked up to see a glare from kokounki(i dont how to spell his name T-T).....He saw that koko was glarring at him,And then koko took takemichi by his wrist and angrilly stomping showing everyone to move away and dont mess with him....
Boss i brought him,he said grinning,you disobeyd my orders Takemichi mikey said coldly while all the others were grinning knowing what's going to happen next.Takemichi widended his eyes B-but i did the job!!He said desperately ,Sanzu told me to finish it quick!Takemichi said with puffy eyes that look he is about to cry.
But is he your boss..,mikey said dramatically
Takemichi then went silent,looking down ashamed,Mikey then handed him a cup of glass here.Takemitchythen looked at him confuse.mikey then patted down on the chair telling takemichi to sit next to him

Takemichi was relived that they understood him and took a sip of the glass.He then said At first i thought i was in real trouble he said smiling.Rindou then said Now why would you be in trouble he said grinning,While mikey was looking directly at takemichi waiting for somthing to happen.

Now they were silent only the jazz is all that was making it less akward.

Bonten was expecting somthing from takemichi.
Kakucho was sitting legs crossed over eachother sipping his Champaign,Koko was counting his money,Ran and rindou were staring at their phones watching p*** preparing themselves for what they were about to do.sanzu was looking/glarring at takemichi.Mikey was doing the same,while takemichi was looking every where for somthing to happen.

Bonten was acting really normal,until....
Takemichi said Hey guys i feel dizzy.....
All eyes were on him,There attention was all on takemichi now,Some of them were grinning and smirking
Takemichi then relized what they did W-what did you guys put in my drink!!he said as that was the last bit of energy he had left after he collapsed on the ground.Then all the members that where there were now smirking.

And then they heard a scream comming from where takemichi killed the h**.They still had their smirk and left without anyone relizing,carrying takemichi out.
As soon as they left the building......
Peices of what used to be the building went flying.
Sanzu smirked
Kukucho ,im guessing this was YOUR IDEA sanzu,he said in disappointed tone
As he was surprised that the building blewed up
Sanzu then laughed manickly
What are they going to do to takemichi???And will he ever be free from bonten ever again????

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