Chapter 1

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I was sitting next to ran and rindou.When a stripper jumped on me.I was flustered.I did not know what to do.A hint of dark red showed across my face.I looked at the girl and told her to get of me because i was hard at the moment.I did not wanted her to notice but she did akwardly.

As she was ignoring my request i looked at ran and rindou's dirrections i saw that they had this mad and angry face.I was scared and did not know what to do.I thought that she would've given me a hickey.I started panicking and started thinking about how did i end up on this shit.

I was lost in my thoughts what was i doing here???I came back to reality when i decided to leave and take a walk to restore my memory.I tryed to get up but was pined down by the girl.She forcfully put her crusty,musty warm ass lips in mine.I groaned soflty only for her to hear.The hoe was shocked she did not think that a strong attractive guy would groan like a fucking bottom

Hoe- My,my i love your grouns but arent you suppose to make me do those kinds of stuff.

As she tried to kiss me again i just move my head to the back only to see mikey,sanzu and koko full with jeulosy in their eyes.I look at them trying to hide my blush.I was so ashamed and emmbarrased.but the truth is im still a virgin and i plan to stay that way.I mean i only did that one time,but that was with hina,and hina was gentle with me knowing i was was virgin.

I came back to my scences.I ran away as fast as i could i did not want to be seen.I heard them laughing and heard them call me a cowward.Honestly i am,i dont know why i even joined bonten......All because of saving a girl that i shared my virginity with.

I turned around just to see the girl that just got me flusttered was giving a fucking hickey to mikey.And was holding sanzu's c###.Making sanzu smirk and mikey giving his dead ass face to her.
My heart then stoped beating...i had this pain in my heart i did not like.I knewed it was jealousy,i know this becuase in one timeline i was fucking replaced by a little softie.I was looking and glarring at her she noticed me and then evily grinned.i was so fucking mad.I felt like i can take that smie off and and tear her apart.I was going to snap until i felt some fingers twirling around my hips.......---

Hey guys i got bored of wholesome things so jow im doing a smut bonten x takemichi

Also be sure to check out my wholesome book im honestly going to give you guys smut in that book but you guys just have to be patient.

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