Worst Fear

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Your POV:

It was time for us to get grouped for something I don't even remember. I know it's a bad thing but sometimes I can't remember stuff. Even if it's important. (Yes, I actually forgot so I'm just putting that😭) When Mikasa found out she would be in the higher group, she tried convincing them to put her with me, Eren, and Armin.

Of course, they didn't let her. "Mikasa! It's fine! We'll be okay." I say, grabbing her hands and smiling. She took a deep breath and spoke, "Right, I'm sorry." said Mikasa quietly. I knew she was sorry. I hugged her tightly and whispered, "Don't die in me. I love you." I said before she soon whispered back, "Don't die on me either please. I love you too." I let go of the hug and soon had to walk away with Eren and Armin.

Time skip

Your POV:

There were titans everywhere. Literally everywhere. I was scared. So scared. "Y/n? Are you sure you're gonna be alright?" asked Eren. That was probably the 14th time he'd ask me that, but I don't blame him. I looked terrified. "Yeah...I'll be okay." I said, clearly lying. He walked up to me, grabbing my hand and cupping my face using his other.

"You look scared. You're not okay." He said, frowning as I tightened my grip on his hand. "Can I...kiss you?" I asked. Why am I asking? We're dating after all. Consent is important to me I guess. Eren smiled and placed his lips on mine. It calmed me down a lot.

"Feeling any better?" He said once he pulled away. I nodded with a smile. Even though we've only been dating for a month or so, I wanted to tell him. Those three words that meant so much. It felt too soon, but right. No Y/n. Just shut up. "Y/n?" Said Eren. I responded with a hum. "We're going now. Come on." He said smiling at me and leading me towards our group.

I was overwhelmed with the fact that I could die at any moment from the amount of titans everywhere. I was still scared. Probably more scared than before if that's possible. Eren was eager to kill the titans. I could see it in his eyes. But his eagerness wasn't a good thing. He was acting stubborn. "Eren you can't go!" I yelled, trying to keep him from going.

We had to go as a group and if the whole group disagreed on going, then we don't go. "I have too! I can't stay here and let these monsters kill our comrades!" He said and left before I could even say anything. I wanted to go after him. I had too. But I was too frozen in place to even breath. "Y/n! You have to go after him! We gotta get the group back!" yelled someone that was in my group. I nod and before I knew it, I was running after Eren. It wasn't our time to go yet. But yet there he goes being an idiot trying to get himself killed.

Finally he'd stop running towards the titans and I managed to catch up to him. "Eren! Eren why didn't you-" I said before the sight in front of me stopped me. One of our teammates. He was getting eaten. Me and Eren watched him be swallowed. And we didn't do anything about it. "How dare you..." Eren said quietly as I held back tears. By this time the titan who'd are our teammate was farther away from us. "You wont get away..." Eren said again before heading to the titan. "You wont get away!" I heard him yell again. Is he insane? He could die!

"Eren! Wait!" I said, once again going after him. I heard him yelling stuff, but couldn't hear what he was saying. I tried running faster to catch up to him, but before I could, he swung at a titan but another one came out from under him and bit his leg. Oh god. "Eren!" I yelled, trying to hold back my urging tears. He can't die. He won't die. I had to help him. I can't move. Why can't I move?! Guess my body had different plans. My other teammates. They were getting devoured too. And all I'm doing is sitting here. Watching.

Before I knew it, I was hovering over a titans mouth. About to get eaten. The titan let go of my jacket and I fell into its mouth. "Eren!" I managed to yell probably louder than the titans steps. I blacked out. It felt like forever. I felt as if I'd stop falling into the titans mouth. Is this what dying feels like? "Y/n!" I heard someone call out my name. A very familiar voice. Eren? I shot my eyes open and was back to reality. I'm not dead? Eren pulled me out from the titans mouth and threw me at a nearby roof.

I looked by and saw that Eren was still inside the tiIran's mouth. "Eren!" I yelled, putting my hand for him to grab, but I was to late. The titan bit down into his arm. Eren's dead. No. He can't be. I let out the worst scream, even I was scared of myself after that. I couldn't control my tears from rolling down my cheeks. I just watched the boy who made my days better die. I just started at the ground, crying my eyes out as the titan walked away.

Whew. That was, cool😃

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