Old Castle

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Your POV:

They were taking us to a castle that was actually old headquarters. In front of me, Oluo(I think that's his name?) had been rambling to Eren, basically trying to act cool? Suddenly, he bit his tongue. Finally he shut up. No offense to him, but all this tough guy rambling was probably not convincing Eren, especially after that.

Once we got there, we immediately had a task. Cleaning. Yes, by the one and only, Levi. I didn't mind cleaning to be honest. I'd always help around my parents with cleaning. How I miss them. I grabbed a broom and started sweeping the floors. While heading to find Levi at god knows where he is, I passed the room that Eren had been cleaning. "Eren!" I say, a smile splashing on my face. "Helloo sweetheart." He said, putting his supplies down and walking towards me.

He placed his hand on my cheek and pulled me in for a kiss. His kisses were always so passionate and soft. He pulled away and I immediately missed his lips. "Aww, is someone upset that's all the get?" He teases. I look away with my pouting face. "I'm just joking around." He says before making me face him again and kissing me once more. This time, it felt different. He forced his tongue into my mouth, making me whimper in shock.

Eren pulled away letting out a small laugh. "Shut up. It's not funny." I say with blush all over my face. "Sure it isn't." He replies sarcastically. I give him one last kiss before looking for Levi again. Walking down the halls, I heard small talking. Only from one person. That person being Levi. "Levi? I finished cleaning the kitchen. Want me to clean anything else?" He turns around with a confused look on his face. "You good?" He nods before saying, "Yeah, it's just...no one has ever really offered to clean extra." He says, looking around the room judging it. "But yes, you can. Any room that hasn't been clean. If your done by then and there's still a room left, if you'd like you can continue cleaning." I nod smiling before walking away to clean again.

Time skip

Hanji had two titans. Ones she clearly loved with her whole heart. But now they're gone. It was all just a skeleton. They had suspected that it was one of the cadets and immediately questioned everyone. Over the time that I'd been there with Hanji and the rest, me and them had gotten quite close. She considered me her "best friend." Of course I didn't mind. I loved everything about her and she was a genuinely kind person. Watching her eyes filled with tears after her titans died wasn't something I wanted to see. It felt awful seeing her cry.

"It's okay Hanji." I said rubbing their back and trying to comfort them as much as I could. They kept sobbing into my shoulder, their weight pulling me down. They were heavy, but since they were way taller and bigger than me, it was kind of a struggle. "I miss them so much already." They whined. There titans. We're supposed to be scared of them, but Hanji is the complete opposite.

"I know you miss them, but it's gonna be alright. I promise you." I said, my fingers running through their hair. Eren always did that to help me calm down, so I hoped it worked for them too. "That...that feels nice." They say, their sobbing quieting down. "Come on, let's sit down, yes?" I say, leading them to a nearby couch in their office. We sat there, in comfortable silence. I didn't like Hanji like that, but I was actually enjoying this.

Hanji rested their head on my chest with their arms wrapped around my waist. We both knew we didn't like each other like that. We were just really close friends. That's all. Soon after, Hanji's breathing pattern had changed. That's when I knew they were asleep. Since they were on top of me, I couldn't move. I didn't even try too. I lied there, hugging my best friend after their two favorite titans died.

I placed my hand on her head before whispering, "Goodnight Hanji." I closed my eyes, trying to sleep because I started feeling tired. After a while, my eyes felt heavy and I closed my eyes. Falling into a deep sleep.

Eren's POV:

I had been looking for Y/n forever. After the passing of the section commander's titans, Y/n had basically spent the whole day with them. I didn't mind of course, but I just missed Y/n. I walked around asking a few people till I soon got an answer. "I last saw her in Hanji's office." I nod and thank them before walking to Hanji's office. I let myself in quietly before noticing Y/n and Hanji sleeping. Y/n looked so cute.

Why am I not shocked? Well, I know that Y/n would never cheat. Plus, Hanji and Y/n are just really close friends. Like really close. So that's why it doesn't bother me. I walk towards them before lightly shaking Y/n. She hummed softly, he eyes fluttering open. "Eren?" I smile at her before she carefully gets Hanji off of her and lays them in a comfortable position. Y/n grabbed a blanket on Hanji's bed and placed it over them. She turned back to me before pulling me in for a hug. "I missed you." I whispered in her ear, afraid to say it. I don't know why I was afraid, maybe nervousness. "I missed you too, my love~" I knew she was teasing me, but my reaction did it's own thing.

"H-huh?!" I yell before covering my mouth with my hands remembering Hanji was still in the room. She giggled before grabbing my hand and leading me out the room. "I'm cold." She said while stopping in front of her room. She looked back at me and grinned widely. "I swear if your planning something bad." I said before she opened her door and plopped onto her bed. "Come onn," she said, patting the place in the bed next to her. I lied next to her, getting comfortable. We talked about random shit before a thought soon made its way in my mind. "Eren? You okay?" She asks. I nod my head, "Yeah I was just thinking." I say, smiling. "About what?" Should I tell her? I want too. But I also don't want to ruin what we have. "It's nothing, it's not important right now." She raises and eyebrow. "Right now?" She asks. "I'll tell you soon." I say, smiling and pulling her in for a kiss. "Fine." She said once I pulled away. "Go to sleep. You need it." I say, cuddling into her neck. "Goodnight Eren, I love you." She says, kissing my forehead. "I love you too Y/n."


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