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"Oh shit he noticed me"

I panicked, now realizing that I had no choice but to fight him

"Well there's no where to run now" I thought as I bursted out of the vent, and put up a fighting stance.

"Watch this one Fetain, her aura is extremely powerful." The large man spoke.

"Its nothing that I can't handle Franklin. Plus, its been a while since I last had any fun," He replied.

"What have I gotten into?" I thought.

Fetain and I stood about 10ft away from each other; both calm, and both ready to fight.
He shot me a wicked smrik, then set one foot slightly in front of the other like he was shifting the weight in his feet, getting ready to bolt at me.

"If running at me is his strategy then I guess he's not as great an opponent as -"

Before I could even finish my thought he took off toward me with a single step, moving so fast I could barely see him.

"You're good," I said
"But you're not good enough."

In a single second I grabben his leg and pinned him to the ground while using my aura to overpower him to a hallucination.

Then suddenly the large man grabbed me and held me so I couldn't move.

Fetain stood up and brushed himself off.

"Well done, there are very few who can beat me in a fight. You're very strong but not attentive enough." He said, staring into my eyes.

He then turned and spoke to the man holding me.

"We'll take her to Boss, he should be quite interested in her."

The man nodded his head in agreement then carried me out the back exit and shoved me in the back seat of a car, locking the doors behind him as he left.
I waited about 15 minutes before the three of them came out and got in, then Fetain motioned to the driver to go and we took off towards god knows where.
They all sat in silence and I peered out the window yelling at myself internally.

"Why didn't you just leave!? What the actual shit is wrong with you? I think you love this. You love putting yourself in danger don't you! This totally could have been avoided if you didn't make such stupid decisions."

My train of thought came to a stop as the car pulled up to what looked to be an abandoned building.
Fetain and the two others got out of the car and pulled me out with them.
We entered the building and walked down a short hall.
As we moved farther into the build I sensed many strong aura's, but two in particular really stood out.
One of the auras was deviant and filled with a quiet rage; like a white water river set to a lullaby.
The other was familiar, it was warm and gentile but just beneath the serface I could feel a strong bloodlust.

We entered a large room that looked like it was once a lobby, and I shot a quick glace in the directions of the auras.

The first one seemed to belong to a tall muscular man who was sitting and reading by a candle away from the others. I took second to study him. I then looked to the other and couldn't believe my eyes

"HISOKA!?" I thought

How I had not realized it was him before now was beyond me. Usually I would remember an aura like his but I guess it just didn't feel the same before.

The tall man stood and jumped from the ledge as the rest of the group gathered around to hear what he had to say.

"Ay Fetain, who's this?" He asked.

He stepped closer to me, getting a better feel for my strength.

"I don't know her name; she's very powerful though, I thought you might like to keep her as a pet."

The man looked me over for what felt like an hour before Hisoka stepped in.

"Her name is (c/n), and she's here for the auction. We met once before at the train station."

The man smiled a surprisingly pleasant smile at me with his eyes shining like that of an innocent young boy.

"I'm Chrollo Lucilfer, nice to meet you (c/n)." he said

I looked away from him, anger welling up inside me.
He smirked at my lack of response to his greeting.

"We are the Phantom Troupe, a band of thieves who-"

" I know who you are." I said, cutting him off from his sentence.

Chrollo's smile grew slightly wider. Apparently my dislike towards him was funny or he was just a creep.

"Well, theres a spot open in the troupe so you can join if you'd like. I'd advise you did (c/n)" he said turning away from me.

"How dare he think I would ever join him!" I thought, anger welling up inside of me.

"I would never join you! You are disgusting thrives who slaughter innocent people to got what you want! I will never, ever, become like you, you monster!" I yelled.

"Oh, that's fine then," He said plainly.

"But I can't just let you go, after all you have seen where our base is, you know our names, and you clearly seem like you'd be willing to give up this information to people."

My stomach churned inside me as I heard what he said next.

"Fetain, feel free to have some fun before you kill her." He sneered

"As always boss." Fetain replied.

The large man grabbed me then placed something over my mouth and nose, causing me to feel sleepy and dizzy.

"Great," I thought
"How am I gonna get out of this one?"

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