x Sacred x Space x

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(Hisoka's POV)

(C/n) and I exited the station and stepped onto the crowded street. There were too many people on the side walk so we were forced to walk single file, with me falling in behind her because it was the polite thing to do.

I watched silently as her ponytail gently swayed back and fourth against her back, and I thought to myself quietly.

"It's weird that she would trust me without even knowing me. Most people would be put off by my appearance alone, and I know she can see my aura, so she should've wanted to stay away. She doesn't seem very strong; she probably knows she couldn't win a fight against me. Why would she trust me? given all these facts it just doesn't mak ore any sense. Maybe she sees something that I can't, or don't understand. She's a very beautiful girl and many people world want to take advantage of her immediate trust in people."

I twitched at the thought of someone taking advantage of her, yet I didn't know why.

We approached the end of the street which came to a dead end.

"Where do we go now ?" (C/n) questioned.

" There's path straight through the meadow; It comes out a block away from the hotel." I answered

She gave me a questioning glance.

"Don't worry there's houses on both sides of the meadow, and it's not like I'm going to kidnap you or anything. I couldn't even if I tried."

We walked through the meadow side by side.

I looked over at (c/n) and really looked at her.

She had long (h/c) hair that fell into soft, rolling waves and ended just above her waist. She large green eyes with soft flecks of brown dispersed around her iris, and a golden ring around her pupil that made her eye resemble a solar eclipse set onto a emerald sky. Her face was soft and feminine but she had sharper jawline then most women which made her face more aesthetically pleasing to me and her lips were very full and made an almost perfect cupids bow. She was of average height, and was slender but well toned. She was, in my eyes, a very beautiful girl.

We walked along the path in silence for quite some time, each of us taking in the scenery.

"How long is this gonna take?" Grumbled

"We should be there soon; why do you ask? Getting tired of my company?" I replied

"More like getting tired in general." She mumbled.

" We've been walking for forty five minutes and she still doesn't seem suspicious of me." I thought to myself.

I looked back over to to her but she had stopped walking and was standing in the middle of the path.

"Maybe I thought wrong,"

I started to walk to towards her, expecting her to put up a fighting stance but as I neared, I noticed that she looked pale and her pupils were heavily dilated.

Her knees gave out and she fell forward into me.

I gently placed her on her the path and looked her over.

She wasn't sweating, vomiting, or bleeding from the mouth so she wasn't poisoned, there's no visible bite marks, bumps, or hives, so it wasn't an allergic reaction or a venomous bite.

As I continued to examine her I began to feel a power radiating off of her; just slightly at first, but growing stronger with every second until it was overpowering me.

"Her aura is so strong, " I thought

She was very powerful but her aura wasn't dark or menacing like mine. It was soft and embracing like a hug from someone you love dearly, but it was also very serene and tranquil.

Suddenly I was pulled into a dream like place. The air smelled sweet and there was a thin and lingering mist. I looked at my surroundings; there was large swamp trees on either side of me, and a large pool of crystal clear water, with the silhouette of a woman standing in the center in front of me.

"Hello?" I called to her

No response

"Hello?" I called again, moving towards her.

I was being pulled in her direction, unable to stop my feet; then suddenly, just as I was about to reach her I was slammed back into reality.

I jumped back from c/n.

"What was that?"

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