Important Breakthrough

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The screen suddenly brightened up.

"What?" Bell asked, confused. "What's going on? I didn't play it..." He murmured. Ace looked up, not only he, everyone after the last video tried to somehow manage themselves.

Do you know who's important in life?

"What the..." Usopp mumbled. They all were confused.

The person important in life is someone who can make people around them as happy as they can.

"That's..." Sabo felt something warming up in his heart.

Yes. That person can truly make them happy...I know it.

"Oh..." Nami then felt something. She touched her chest...she was suddenly calmed from the last one.

"I beg you to take my life instead of his!" A voice shouted. "I may not be as worthy as him yet, but...the head of the man who would one day become the strongest swordsman...isn't bad either!" Zoro was seen kneeling in front of Bartholmew Kuma.

"Kuma!" Iva exclaimed. Dragon sweatdropped seeing his old comrade.

"How can I protect my ambition when I can't even protect my Captain!"

"Wow..." Roger whispered.

"Tch..." Sanji didn't admit it but he was really happy.

"Zoro's so cool!' Chopper added with a smile. Zoro looked at him and smiled a little.

"Luffy's the man who is gonna be the Pirate King!"

'Manly!" Shanks showed his thumb. Rayleigh nodded beside him. Everyone was praising Zoro for his words, he was kind of embarrassed.

"I know that he'll become the Pirate King..." Usopp stood covered in blood.

"Oh..." Robin was kind of shocked but she felt like Usopp knew that in some moments he had to become tough.

"They truly believe in him..." Roger said to his old mates.

"Yes, that's why he keeps going..." Rayleigh added.

"Anchor..." Shanks smiled.

"I know he will! And...I WON'T LET YOU LAUGH AT THAT!" He shouted directly at the enemy.

They were amazed by Straw Hats loyalty. The marines were shocked that the pirates even had something like that to say. They always thought that pirates were criminals, but here they looked like honourable men.

"Straw Hat Luffy, dead? Nonsense." A skeleton was standing in flash lights with a guitar. "Tell this to the world, y'all! The pirate Straw Hat alive!"

"Brook!" Usopp cheered with Chopper.

"He is the man who will become king of the seas someday!"

"I am starting to believe this." Roger stroked his beard. Ace smiled. He knew that Luffy's friends were loyal but this...this is amazing, he was truly happy that he met them.

"Our captain is much stronger!" Chopper was in his human form, mad.

"Woah, that tanuki looks different!" Some marine exclaimed.

"Grr...I am not a tanuki, I am a reindeer!" Chopper shouted to the man with shark teeth. The man just gulped. Straw Hats laughed at the guys.

"What is going on..." Bell whispered and clenched his teeth. 'This wasn't supposed to go this way!' He thought.

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