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"Thank you.that'll be 12,34£ would you like to pay with cash or card?"
It was yet another chill day at work with Byeol and all those beautiful flowers around me.
"Y/n, can you help me fix this mess please?"
Byeol and me cleaned the whole shop after closing it early for the orderly search. And honestly, we did a pretty good job. Within 2 hours the whole shop looked different.
"Okay girls,thanks for your help today. Now go and have some fun,I'll see you tomorrow "
"Have a nice day,mr.kang" I waved at him and we both left the shop.
"Soooo,havin a date ?" She joked.
"Cmon it's not a date,I'm just watching them dance."
"You'll get to know your Prince Charmings friends,aren't u excited "
"Of course I am. I'll see you later,I gtg"
"Aight see you!"
I arrived home and changed into some more casual clothes before I already heard the doorbell ring.
I opened it and saw i.n waiting for me .
"Hey! You ready to go?"
"You bet"
We went to the subway and took the underground train for a bit until we arrived at some for me yet unknown stop.
We got off and walked for 10 minutes straight forward until we got to what looked like a musical shop.
"Don't ask, it's in there trust me." He said and leaded me through the many instruments.
We got into some hallway with many doors and eventually stopped at a door with the number 156.
He knocked three times and opened the door as soon as he heard the music stop.
"I'm back!"
"WELCOME BAACK- ohoho who's that"
"That's y/n, the girl I was going to bring today "
I waved at them and slowly went out of my hiding place behind jeongin , scanning their faces,when suddenly
"You?" Felix and I said in choir.
"Do you somehow know eachother-"
"He went to the shop on Saturday "
I explained to i.n
"It's nice to see you again,pretty lady." He winked at me.
The introdution went by fast and I almost instantly felt safe with them.
They soon started dancing and I just watched them from the side.
The way they moved in sync looked so mesmerizing,tho my eyes mostly were on the strawberry haired boy.
He moved with such an ease and passion.
When the song ended I applauded for them and threw to them all a water bottle which layer next to me.
It didn't take me long to learn their names because they were all so unique from each other in their own special way.
My favorite was seungmin.
Our personalities were equal and I loved his humor.
He also seemed to have the same view on each one like i did.
A few hours passed and if I'd count,I'd say I shared around 16 eye contacts with i.n
Not that I mind. His eyes were really beautiful and dark brown.
They slowly started packing their things and soon after, we left the practice room.
"No but seriously, if he hadn't catched her in time, he'd go through the same trauma TWO times " seungmin told me.
We left the building and over to the small fast food shop.
We ordered some food and sat down at a few benches.
Seungmin pov

We started eating our lunch, when y/n started asking me random questions.
"Sooo, how did you meet these idiots? "
She asked, pointing at the 7 people with a frie.
I thought back for a moment.

-No, I dont wanna do this! But, but I can't say no can I? Daddy will hate me if I refuse.-
The small boy decided to not say a word, to not anger his beloved father.
He tried holding back the tears, that threatened to pour out as he held on to the bed in pain. His father didn't care. He didnt care about his son, nor his feelings, nor about the things that will happen to him if anyone finds out about what he has been doing to his own son.
Seung was about to cry out for his father to stop, when he heard a few steps fastly approaching the hotel room.
His father didn't seem to have recognized it tho, as he just kept on pushing his member inside the kids throat.
Suddenly, the door flew open, revealing 5 boys around his age.
"Stop immediately you pervert! " one of them yelled at him and swung his baseball bat against the mans head, who directly weakened and fainted.
"Oh dear, come here you'll be okay. It's okay don't worry. we're here for you now. We called the police, you won't ever have to go through this again, okay? " another boy hugged seungmin and carassed his head, letting the poor boy cry himself out on his shoulder.
"Wh- who are you? "
"My name is chan, this is minho, hyunjin, changbin and that over there is jisung. We'll take care of you from now on! " chan said to him introducing everyone.
And they didn't lie. Starting from that day, they were always by his side. Seungmin got to live with them at their dorm and together they always went to his therapy sessions.
Not once did they force anything out of him or judged him for what happened to him.
He also never found out, just how they knew what was happening in that exact room at that exact day, they wouldn't tell him

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