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"Cmon when is this girl gonna unblock me" I annoyingly checked the status of naris profile, not surprisingly still being blocked. I wonder how she's doing right now.
I closed my phone and got up to make myself lunch. In the fridge layed some leftover pasta from yesterday, so I went with that. I put the pasta on a plate and microwaved it for a bit and waited for it to cool down.
Suddenly, I heard a loud crash right behind my back but when I turned around to see what happened, something hard hit me. I woke again with a really bad headache and a small blood spot on the floor. I felt really dizzy and could only make out a few surroundings, with me guessing I was in a big van. I couldn't hear anyone speaking and I was cuffed to one of the steels on the side of the car. My wrists hurt from the rubbing material and my strength was far beyond weak. What the actual heck is going on rn.
I waited for the car to stop and was blinded by the light coming from the now opened door. I couldn't make out any faces, I didn't try to. I was too tired.
However I did recognize one voice. A voice I prayed to never hear again in my life. Seunyo. Why was she here. Why was she kidnapping me. Why can't she just let me live. I made out two other voices so I guessed there were three people with me. Someone tied me on a cold wall and made me adjust to the light. There they stood. I looked at the first person. Just like I thought, seunyo. A big shiver crawled down my spine as she looked the same she did back then.
The second person didn't look too intimidating but I still knew who she was. Sinji, jeongins ex who could never get over him. She had always hated me for some reason but I didn't know that for most of the time it was because she knew jeongin liked me. And to the left....
Byeol? What was she doing here? She told me she was on a business trip till next week...
"So, you really didn't listen to me when I told you to stay away from my jeonginnie" sinji said in her annoying ass voice.
"Byeol... What are you doing here"
"Taking revenge, what does it look like?"
"Revenge? For what?" I was confused. What would she need revenge for...
"Isn't it obvious? You always got everyone's attention even after your shitty father left and everything went normal for you again. My parents still treat me like shit just like they did before. Nothing has changed for me but the second you got your pretty main characters life everything started revolving around you and you stopped caring about me! I think you simply just never cared in the first place. "
"Byeol... How could you say that? Of course I care! You told me your situation got better at home, you told me to live a good life, how could you hate me for this now"
"There she is again with her brave therapy self. We're the fucking boss right now don't you dare talk back to us or you won't get away that easily like you did last time" seunyo spitted while throwing her orange juice directly in my face.
"He always only had eyes on you since you transferred here... He broke up with me because of you for gods sake! I loved him with everything I had! I hate you"
Sinji pulled my hair, spitting directly into my face.
"I can't believe you still got to live this great life of yours after everything you made us go through. You truly are disgusting y/n"
"Here's the plan. We're gonna have our little fun with you and then you'll stay here until you've rotted to death" byeol laughed out insanely loud, the others joining her
"Jeez y'all are psychopaths"
"Excuse me"
Seunyo kicked me hard in my stomach, earning a loud groan from me.
"Didn't I just tell you to not talk back to me? Hm, some people must learn it the hard way I guess."
All three of them started doing unimaginably painful stuff to me, the kinda shit you read online in a true crime or some. Only that I got to keep my insides. At the end, as byeol said for the 'final touch' she made sinji take a brick from the side and slam it against my leg. It was so painful, I swear my nerves all said goodbye after that experience. I felt like I was about to step into the light. They all snapped some pics of me and left me there. All alone.
I looked around. This definitely wasn't a place I could recognize. Everything looked old, many spider webs, some parts of the ceiling completely gone, letting the coldness in completely. The windows were broken and shattered all around the floor. Luckily due to the violence of them, the band on my wrists tore off and I was able to easily free myself. My movements were shaky and my whole body hurt. I was so scared but my mind only thought about one thing. Safe yourself. I reached to the little button in my bh and pushed it three times. I knew he would come, he had to.
Small flashback

I was shopping at the mall with felix, searching for a matching sweater.
"Dude these sweaters suck, why is there a cucumber" he said putting the 29th sweater back. "Oh- come here rq" I called him over to a small table with input electronics.
"What's this-"
"It's input emergency signals. You can settle on a rythm and in a sign of emergency you can make yourself reachable. Let's get one, yea? "
"Only if we're getting these as well" he grinned and we bought all four things at the cash register.

Flashback end

Not long after I got a message back signaling "on my way".
In this moment I was more than glad you could locate these things. I tried staying as calm as possible and leaned back onto the cold wall behind me. My mind was rattling. I never knew byeol always thought like this and actually tried killing me! Eventually I let my tiredness get the best of me and fell asleep.

Felix pov

35 aesten street. I had to hurry.
I told the taxi the place and nervously shook my leg. I hoped for nothing more than for her to be alright.
We arrived good 5 minutes later and I immediately ran towards the old looking building. Who put her in here. I got inside and tiptoed my way towards the signal of her bra. On my way I heard a few girls laughing and talking.
" she finally gets what she deserves."
"I guess she shouldn't have messed with you in the first place, seunyo"
They all began to laugh like crazy. We're they talking about y/n? I quickly pulled out my phone to record their conversation as evidence
"All we have to do now is wait till y/n Is dead, hide the evidences and make it look like suicide! "
"We're geniuses" they all continued laughing and left the building.
A shiver sent down my spine. Someone really tried killing her...

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