ch.5-Let's go out.

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Katsuki was peacefully reading one of his romance comics when his phone rang, making him get pissed at the sudden interruption. He was at the best part, he'll check the message later.


It rang 4 fucking times, how can someone be so unpatient? He left his romance comic aside, not forgetting to leave a mark at the spot he was last at.

He got up from his bed and made his way to the table where his phone was laying on. He snatched the phone and immediately jumped back in his bed.

As he turned on the phone, he noticed all the notifications were from a unknown number. Unlike some people, Katsuki wasn't a pussy, and so he decided he'd respond the messages.

Unknown number

K: You're one unpatient spammer eh?

*: Oh, you finally decided to reply. After 20 minutes. 😐

K: So what's the scam scheme? C'mon I have a romance comic that's waiting for me

*: Am I a spammer to you? I'm offended.

K: who the hell can it be then? You're number ain't registered in my phone.

*: Right.. I forgot I didn't give you my number.

*: hold on. Haven't I spammed you a hella lot when you disappeared? How come I'm not registered in your phone.🤨

K: What the?

K: Oh. I just checked the history..😃

*: Dummy.

K: The hell did you just call me?

*You changed the name of this contact to Annoying Ass ❤ *

I: oooo? A heart? I'm flattered

K: Don't get excited, I still find you annoying.

I: Okay then.. let's see how you'll like this.

*Annoying Ass ❤️ changed your name to Angry pup ❤️*

K: Pup? The hell? Do you have some kind of weird ass kink or something?

I: how dare you... and I thought it was a cute nickname. By pup I mean angry pomeranian. 😒

K: Are you comparing me to a goddamn dog right now?

I: There goes the attitude.


I: can we ft pls? I'm too lazy to write 😔 (same izuku.. same..)

K: Ain't you the famous singer who stayed up a whole ass night to write a goddamn song?

I: Don't tell me you actually believe that..😭

I: I fell asleep midway and finished it in the morning 😃

K: You've ruined my hopes

I: ft? 🥺

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