you're the sixth member of ITZY and reveal your relationship (requested)

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"Look who I have here with me right now! It's the beautiful ladies of ITZY!" The interviewer kindly said as the six of you approached her.

You're holding the award that you received tonight for artist of the year in your hand and the smiles on all of your faces are unbreakable as you feel as though you're on cloud nine.

"It's so nice to see you, girls! How are you all doing tonight? It was a wonderful awards show, wasn't it?"

"Yeah, it was amazing!" Yuna grinned.

"We're so happy, we're just over the moon right now. We feel so honored and so proud to have won such a big award and it feels so surreal." Chaeryeong said with a big smile on her face.

You were trying your hardest to pay attention to your bandmates and the interviewer but it was a lot easier said than done when your boyfriend was across the room.

He was doing interviews with the boys just as you were with the girls but just like you, he was struggling to stay focused.

You caught his eye and he sent you a bright smile.

You bit your lip as you looked him up and down, swearing that he was the most handsome man you'd ever laid your eyes on.

He's perfect and you wish that you could shout from the rooftops that he's all yours.

"Y/N? Are you listening?" Lia asked you quietly as she gently nudged your elbow with her own. "I know Hyunjin is over there but you have to stay focused."

"I know, I'm sorry." You said and she nodded her head understandingly before putting her hand on your back reassuringly.

"Okay so I don't want to hold you ladies up too much longer because I know you have more interviews to do but I have one last question and this one is for you, Y/N,"

You turned your attention to her, wondering what she had to ask you.

"So there are a lot of rumors that you're dating Hyunjin from stray kids. We've seen pictures of you hanging out together and tonight, you two seemed pretty flirty with each other. Are the rumors true? Are you dating Hyunjin?"

You looked at your boyfriend from across the room and your heart skipped a beat when you watched him smile brightly as he and Felix joked about something together during the interview.

It was undeniable - you have a lot of love for him and it showed by the look in your eyes.

It's hard to deny things like this when you're asked these questions.

Usually, you'd try your best to deny the rumors and fake as if you didn't know where they'd even stemmed from because you're only friends.

But it's getting too obvious to keep quiet and lie about these days.

You're too in love with each other for that.

So you looked back at the kind lady and then over at Hyunjin once more and then back at her before nodding your head.

"Yeah, they are."

The interviewer lit up and gasped as the girls embraced you, excited squeals falling from their lips.

"You're dating?! That's so sweet!"

Hyunjin heard all the commotion and walked over to you all, whispering to Yeji about what was going on as you were being brought into a huge hug by Ryujin and Lia.

Once Yeji told him that you'd confessed you're dating him, he felt a huge weight lift from his shoulders and he walked over to you to bring you into a big and sweet hug.

Spinning you around, it was clear that he was just as ecstatic as you were that your relationship was in the open now.

JYP has given you the option a few times that you could reveal your relationship if the question came up and you got too fed up but you always refused because you wanted to keep things quiet.

But not anymore.

And it felt so good to be able to show off to the world that you're head over heels in love with each other as he kissed your lips softly, smiling against them.

"Aw, you're so cute together!" The interviewer said as she put her hand over her heart.

His bandmates and yours were watching you two as you held onto each other, relieved that you didn't have to hide from the world that you're the one for him and he's the one for you.

You knew that there'd be some hate on both sides and a lot of questions from fans and people that would eventually interview your group and his.

But it was worth it.

"I love you." He whispered as he put his forehead on yours. "I have to get back to doing interviews but I'll see you in a little while, my girl."

"I love you too." You smiled and held his hand until he had no choice but to pull it out of your grip as he was too far away from you.

Things had changed tonight.

A lot had happened.

But you swore that you were the happiest that you'd ever been and nothing else mattered more than that to those around you.

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