squeeze my hands (requested)

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Hyunjin's heart continued to shatter with every groan that fell from your lips.

Kneeling on the hospital room floor in front of you, he tried to do anything and everything that he could to ease the intense pain you were in.

"Are you okay?" He asked as you exhaled shakily.

He felt that it was a stupid question to ask right now considering you were in a ton of pain.

But he cares about and loves you more than anything and he couldn't help but check on you.

"Not really." You said before putting your head on his shoulder. "I'm so exhausted and this is the worst pain I've ever been in. It's even worse than they say it is."

"It'll be so worth it in the end though." He reminded you. "I bet the second our baby is on your chest and your eyes meet, you'll agree with that and all of this will fade away."

"I know." You said with a small smile as he kissed your forehead softly. "I just wish they'd hurry. It feels like it's been days since this first started."

He chuckled as his fingertips brushed across your back.

"Twelve hours... but close enough."

You chuckled back at him before you groaned.

"Not again." You whimpered.

"Shh, it's okay." He soothed. "I've got you. Lean on me."

You grabbed his hands and held them as he brushed his thumbs across your palms.

"Squeeze my hands. Squeeze them as tight as you need to."

"What if I hurt you?" You mumbled.

"You won't, baby. Come on, I'm here for you. Squeeze them as tight as you can, use all your might. It's alright." He encouraged.

Your grip got tighter upon hearing those words leave his lips.

Hyunjin didn't wince or flinch over the pain; not even in the slightest.

If this helped ease your pain, even just a tiny bit, he was okay with it.

He just wanted to help however he could.

"Good girl." He whispered as you let out a breath of relief as the pain started to fade.

Your grip loosened but he didn't pull away because he knew that it would only be a couple of minutes before it returned.

"I'm so proud of you." He whispered as he noticed that you were feeling slightly discouraged. "I can't believe how tough you are and how amazing you are. I'm so in awe of you."

He watched a small smile pull at your lips and it warmed his heart.

"I don't think I could do this without you. If this had happened while you were on tour or you just couldn't be here for any reason, I don't know how I'd get through it."

"I'd never let that happen. I wouldn't miss this for anything in the world." He said. "I told you from day one I'd be here every step of the way. I meant it wholeheartedly. I love you and we're going to get through together."

You cracked another smile before you put your head on his chest with a groan.

It was coming back again.

So he squeezed your hands a couple of times to wordlessly encourage you to grip them tight once more.

You tightened your grip on his hands a second later as he helped you through it again.

"That's it. You're doing great, my love." He whispered. "That's my girl."

It took a moment for the pain to fade once more and you felt his lips brush against your forehead lovingly.

"It's not going to be much longer now, baby. You're doing an incredible job."

"I love you." You mumbled against his chest.

"I love you more." He said as he brought your hands to his lips for a kiss. "And I'm not going anywhere. This is all going to be worth it very soon, I promise."

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