squeeze my hands - part two (requested)

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"I can't do this anymore, Hyunjin," You said as you dropped your forehead against his chest. "It's just too much."

Sensing that you were starting to feel very defeated, he wrapped his arms around you and gently brushed his fingers along your back.

"The doctor said it won't be too much longer. I think you're doing an amazing job, even if you don't feel that you are." He whispered as you whimpered against his chest. "Come on, you can do it. You're doing so great. Just breathe."

He wrapped his hands around yours once more and let you squeeze them tight, just as he's been constantly encouraging you to do from the second this began.

"That's it, that's my girl." He encouraged.

It was agonizing and it seemed just as the pain would fade, it would return within an instant.

All you wanted was for Hyunjin to hold you and never let you go and for your baby to finally arrive so you could be out of pain.

You pulled away from him as you tried to take a couple of deep breaths before Hyunjin leaned in to kiss your forehead.

"You're okay." He softly spoke as he gently brushed his fingers along your cheek.

The pain returned, unsurprisingly, and Hyunjin did his best to comfort you through it once more.

"It's okay. It won't be much longer now. You can do it. Just breathe." He said as he kissed your head and tried to hide how much his heart ached seeing you like this.

However, this felt different.

When the pain faded, the pressure came and Hyunjin could see it in your eyes that something had changed.

"What's the matter, baby? Talk to me." He softly spoke as he kissed your forehead once more.

"I think it's time." You told him as you squeezed his hands again.

His eyes lit up and he nodded his head.

"Okay. I'll be right back, I promise." He said before getting up to go grab the doctor, who he heard out in the hall.

Grabbing him, Hyunjin hurried back in and to your side.

"Ready to get on the bed again?" He asked and when you nodded, he helped you up.

As the room became a little chaotic, you kept your eyes locked with Hyunjin's and kept your hand in his.

"You've got this." He whispered as his lips brushed against your forehead.

You closed your eyes and took in a few shaky breaths.

"I'm right here with you and I'm not gonna leave your side. I love you so much and I know you can do this."

You looked at him once more and sent him a small smile as he brushed his thumbs across your palms.

"Are you ready?" He asked as he gently pulled your knee back.

"You'll be right here?"

"The entire time. I'm not going anywhere, baby." He assured as he brushed a few strands of hair away from your forehead.

"Then I'm ready." You said before closing your eyes, more than ready for your' and Hyunjin's baby to finally be here.

It didn't take very long before you heard the cries coming from your precious baby as they were placed on your chest.

You were instantly overwhelmed with love as Hyunjin brushed his fingers along their back.

You looked over at him to see a few tears falling down his cheeks, just like yours.

"I can't believe it..." You whispered as you looked at him. "She's here."

"She is." He said as he smiled through his tears. "I'm so proud of you. I can't believe you did that. You're just incredible."

His lips met yours for a quick but loving kiss and your heart felt so full of love for him and your precious daughter.

You turned back to look at her as she became quiet, her eyes just as soft and as beautiful as Hyunjin's.

"She's got your eyes."

He smiled as he brushed his fingers along her soft tiny cheek.

"And your lips." You said as you both took in her features.

"She's got your nose though." He said as another happy tear fell down his cheek. "She's perfect."

You nodded and heard him gasp as her tiny fingers wrapped around his.

"I love you so much. I can't believe you're here. You weren't in any hurry there until the end, were you?" He joked, making you laugh. "You're beautiful, just like your mom. I'm the luckiest guy alive."

He kissed her head and then kissed your lips once more, his smile bigger than ever.

"I love you both so much; my beautiful, amazing wife and daughter." He happily said.

"We love you too." You said. "And thank you for being here."

"I told you the day you said you were pregnant that I was going to be here every step of the way and I meant it. I'm so amazed by you."

You kissed his cheek softly and he grinned before putting his head on yours, both of you staring back at your daughter once more.

"Welcome to the world, precious. Happy birthday." He spoke as he brushed his fingers across her delicate skin. "You're the best thing to ever happen to us and we're so proud to be your parents."

"And so lucky." You added as you looked between her and Hyunjin, knowing that they're all you have ever dreamt of having.

And you wouldn't ever take them for granted.

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