you get hurt and can't dance for a while - Stray Kids ninth member (requested)

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Hyunjin kept his arm around you as you walked through the doors of the hospital together.

"My girlfriend needs help. She dislocated her knee." Your boyfriend said to the nurse at the desk when you finally got there.

The pain you felt was tremendously intense.

Through the years of being part of Stray Kids, you've had more than your fair share of injuries.

But this was unlike any other one you've ever experienced.

It was truly unbearable.

Hyunjin wasn't happy when the nurse gave him some paperwork to fill out but he knew it was just part of the procedure.

You sat down in one of the chairs and he helped you fill everything out as quickly as possible so you could get back and get some pain medicine quickly.

Once he handed it back over, they opened the doors and Hyunjin kept his arm around you to help you back to one of the rooms.

"How did this happen?" The doctor asked as he looked at your knee that was bruised badly.

"We're in a group and we were practicing the new choreography and I moved my knee the wrong way and it dislocated." You whimpered.

Hyunjin rubbed your back comfortingly, feeling his heart shatter upon seeing you in so much pain.

They had you lay down on the bed and gave you some pain medication.

Hyunjin let you squeeze his hand as they slid your kneecap back into place.

Despite the pain medicine you received, it was still a little painful.

Some beads of sweat were gathered on your forehead and you could feel tears stinging your eyes.

Hyunjin kissed your face softly to try and bring you some comfort.

"Okay, there we go. It's back in place now." The doctor said as Hyunjin brushed his thumb across your palm.

"How long until I can dance again?" You asked.

Hyunjin couldn't help but frown, feeling bad that even in these moments, you're still feeling the pressure of the comeback and the need to do it all flawlessly.

"Usually, it takes about six weeks to fully recover from a dislocated kneecap." The doctor said.

"What!? Six weeks?" You asked in disbelief.

"About that, usually. You just had an extreme injury to your knee. You need to take things easy." The doctor said. "You're her boyfriend?"

Hyunjin nodded at him.

"Make sure she takes it easy. She needs to rest and recover properly."

"I will. Trust me." Hyunjin assured.

"I'll be right back." The doctor said before leaving the room.

Silence hit the air as more tears filled your eyes, making your boyfriend feel crushed.

"It's okay, baby." He said before kissing your forehead lovingly.

"It's not okay, Hyunjin," You sighed and sat up slightly. "I'm not going to be able to do much of anything for six weeks!"

You let out a heavy sigh as you shook your head.

"The fans are going to be so disappointed."

"No, they won't. Y/N, STAY loves us. They know how hard we work but they also know we're all just human beings too. They're not going to hate you or make you feel bad for something out of your control."

You looked at him with sad eyes as he squeezed your hand.

"They're going to agree with me and the boys that you focusing on taking it as easy as possible is the most important thing."

"Will JYP still let me participate in the comeback?" You asked.

"I'm sure they'd be okay with you just sitting on a chair while the rest of us dance. I'm sure you can still sing, baby."

You snuggled up to him and laid your head on his shoulder.

"I'm just so disappointed in myself. I was so excited for this comeback."

"Cut yourself a little slack. You're still human, Y/N. You can only do so much. Don't be disappointed in yourself, no one else will be." He said before kissing your head. "It'll be okay. I promise we'll figure things out. But I can also promise you, the eight of us will not let you push yourself."

You sighed before gazing into his brown eyes, feeling yourself fall a little more for him from the soft and loving look in them.


He kissed you softly before holding you close.

"We'll take care of you. I'll take care of you, baby girl. You just focus on getting better." He said as he rubbed your back, promising himself that he'd take care of you until your injury healed, no matter what.

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