Chapter 6: Realistic Dream of Mother, Revealing the Truth; Nornir, Vanaheim

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I woke up to a familiar place, but I couldn't click of where I was.

?: "Ethan."

I got up from the bed I was laying in, and walked out the door, now the place is familiar. It's my old home.

?: "There you are Ethan."

It was my mother, Isabella Tide.

E: "M-Mom?"

Isabella Tide(I): "Yes hun, it's me."

I walked over and hugged her, I pulled back and she held my head in her hands.

I: "Look how big you've gotten. My boy is a Man now."

E: "I- I'm confused, how is this happening? I feels so real but I just don't understand how this is-"

She push a finger on my lips.

I: "Hush my child.
This is all happening because you are reminiscing on the past, the good moments of when we were together.
Enjoy it while you can."

We walked together, down a path towards a dock, got into a boat and gentle went down the river.
She held me close as we went down the river.

I: "Tell me, how's it going?"

E: "Uh, well.
I'm the major of a village in Nornir, Vanaheim.
I've become the most respected man across the land, who is host to the most respected Demon across the Nine realms."

I: "Oh that's wonderful to hear.
So, Ent has improved that much?"

E: "Yea, he has."

We moved further down the river.

E: "M-Mom?"

I: "Yes hun?"

E: "Will- will you ever come visit us in Nornir? All those who pareished and had a purpose are welcome to wonder the lands of Nornir?"

I: "I've always been in Nornir, I've just been back at the old house.
But I can always come to your place if you come to me and lead me there."

E: "Ok."

The boat stopped in the middle of the lake.

I: "Ethan, I'm so proud of you, you've changed so much over time."

She held me close, I looked at her face to face.

I: "You keep on making people happy, and you make sure that Freya lass is one that stays."

E: "We have a special connection, and we are committed to this relationship we have.
I'll most definitely come visit you."

I: "Of course hun. And before you go, tell Mimir and Atreus I said hi, and I would like to see them."

E: "I will, don't worry."

I: "I love you hun, see you soon."

Everyone around me faded then I woke up.

E: *gasps*

I got up, got dressed and walked out of my room, everyone else was up before me.

M: "Morning Brother."

E: "Uh, Good ay."

K: "You were out for quite sometime."

E: "Yea, I stayed up thinking, and on rare occasions I'm a heavy sleeper."

M: "Understandable brother, you've been a very busy man."

I walked over to the living room area and everyone gathered around.

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