Chapter 6

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Jonathan - Unleash the Power by Hidden Citizens

I was sitting at home on the couch drinking a beer as I do after a game...that we lose. I mean it was overtime lost so it didn't truly hurt us but still it sucks. But what sucks more is it's been a month since I ran into Melissa. I haven't heard from her nor has our printer been broken for her to come to take a look at it. Maybe Kaner was right about her not being interested at all.

Maybe I should break it on purpose for her to come?

But she had to be interested, I mean both he and I saw her that day she came to the United Center. I mean she came to our home opener game out of any other game we have played and that was two weeks after I ran into her. Maybe she was just nervous, she had to look up more about me to see how I was kind of famous.

I put my beer down and walk over to the balcony door and open it. The rush of cold February air lungs towards me. I stepped outside and put my arms on the banister and looked at the busy city at night never taking a break. Cars zoom down the street at all hours of the day. My heart ached.

What hope did I have?

Was it because Melissa came in after breaking up with her?

I just ponder for a bit as I just felt like...a failure sometimes. It was just something no one knew because I won't tell anyone I feel like this.

I go back inside and grabbed my beer, leaving the door open as I planned to go back outside. As I was about to reach for my beer, I see my phone notifications and see a message had come in from an unknown number.

-Hey Mr. Toews, it's Melissa, the one who fixed the printer at the United Center. Sorry I didn't text you sooner. -

I stood there in a bit of shock. Melissa...Melissa Jones, had just texted me. Just as today I was about to give up all hope, she reached out to me. A part of me is angry as it took her so long to get back but also part of me was just happy to hear from her. I unlocked the phone and responded to her:

-Hey Melissa, it's great hearing from you. How have you been? -

I hit sent before putting the ringer on. I was hoping that she would respond instead of ghosting me. I place my phone into my sweatpants pocket. I grabbed my beer and headed outside to take a look at the city again. Did I even have a shot with her? What felt like a few minutes had passed by before I heard my phone ding.

-I've been better, still trying to adjust to Chicago living. Things never seem to slow down. How's it been for you? I see your team is on top of the league right now. I mean 10-0-3 that's crazy. It sucks that y'all lost tonight but I'm sure y'all will bounce back. -

She wasn't wrong, news sources are starting to have their eyes on us as we haven't lost a game in regulation in this short and crazy season. The fact she mentioned it kind of meant she was keeping up with what was going on.

-Yeah, it's been crazy so far. I was for sure thinking this year I wouldn't be playing hockey. Say are you free Saturday night? -

-Saturday, I am free after 5 pm. Why, if I can ask. -

I stood there for a few moments thinking. I had this restaurant, Alinea, that I loved to go to, but it is pricey. Like something, most people would never go to. Could I take her there to see if she wanted the money side of me? Could be a good test.

-Well, I would like to take you to go get dinner, maybe consider it a date? I have a fancy place I like to go to. I will pay for it all so don't worry about that-

-I'm down for dinner but we don't have to go to a fancy restaurant. Maybe save that for down the road if jt leads us there. We could just dress fancy and go to a less fancy but still nice restaurant. -

I stood there thinking, she was the first one to reject the idea of going to Alinea without me even saying the name of the place. Although, if that is the tone she is setting, maybe money isn't a thing.

-Yeah, what about Italian? I know a good place called RPM Italian we can go to. I can make the reservation for 7 pm.- 

I stood there thinking if that still would be too fancy for her or if this is the type of place she was expecting. 

-Sure, that sounds like a plan. See you Saturday at 7 pm. Have a good evening, Mr. Toews. -

-Have a good night, Melissa-

From thinking I was never going to hear from her again to now going on a date with her in a few days. I just stood there smiling as I look at the city. 

There was a knock at the door, I quickly took the smile off my face, place my beer on the small table I had out there, and went to the door. I opened it to see Kaner and Shawzy standing there, "Did you two both get kicked out of your dog houses?" I stood there waiting for an answer as these two were getting in 'trouble' with their girlfriends the last couple of weeks.

"Yeah, Amanda kicked us out and Shawzy has renovations to his unit so he's been staying with us. Could we crash here for the night?" Kaner asked 

"Sure, come in, beer is in the fridge but it's only for tonight," I said and opened up the door wide for the two of them to come in. 

Shawzy was holding a pizza box as he came in. He placed the pizza on the counter. "Have a slice if you want." He said as he went into the fridge to grab a beer for himself and Kaner. I went back out to the patio to grab my beer.

"So, our bet ends soon Tazer. Any update on if she had reached out? We said a month and it's been almost a month" Kaner asked as Shawzy handed him a beer.

I looked out, do I tell him?

Or do I keep it a secret?

Either way, he will not drop it. I walk back into my living room and sat on my chair. "Nope nothing from her," I said as this would be the better option to keep Kaner quiet, even though inside I was smiling about the date with her. I don't mind losing to him in this case if it pays off in the end it would flip him on his head.

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