Chapter 5

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Melissa P.O.V. | Me and My Broken Heart

"Melissa, are you serious? There is not one of these players you think is cute?" Victoria questioned me as we sat in our seats. The players rushed from the tunnel as a horn sound was playing, pumping up the people around me.

This was the Chicago Blackhawks' home opener at the United Center. Victoria insisted on me coming to a hockey game and she just happened to get tickets for tonight's game. She wanted to show me her favorite sport and to get enriched in the Chicago Sports scene. She has been talking about hockey ever since I met her at the new hire orientation at work since we started at the same time. However, she did become a friend to me the more we talked about other things even if she was a Sales Rep. Which explained why she loved to talk and is the social one in our group.

"People are like books and as the saying goes 'don't judge a book by its cover. That's how I go now." I said to her while I watched the ice. However, I did have my eyes magnetized to Jonathan Toews. It's been about two weeks since he gave me his number.

I had kept this fact to myself that I had the personal phone number of what seemed like one of the most popular sports players in the city of Chicago. Only basing that off the cheers when they announced him in the lineup and showed his player card on the jumbotron.

Birthday: April 29th, 1988

He wasn't that much older than me, so that's positive, I guess. I have thought about texting him, but I just can't bring myself to do it. I didn't want to be used again. If the relationship went any way the last one did, I don't think I could ever recover from it.

"Fine then, who would you want to get to know?" Victoria said in a childish tone. How was I going to survive the night with her acting like this?

"Get to know who?" Zoe asked, handing Victoria a beer. Victoria was about to chug it but Zoe grabbed it quickly from her. "No chugging. You only get one, maybe two as you have already pregame a bit before Melissa picked us up." Zoe said in a stern, motherly tone to her. Victoria nods and Zoe gives her beer back. Zoe then sits down in the middle of Victoria and me. "You sure you're fine with lemonade?" she asked as she handed me the cup.

"Yeah, I'm with it," I assured Zoe as I take the cup. "Besides, I'm the one driving so someone has to stay sober."

Zoe also works at the same place as Victoria and me but has been there for about two years. But she and Victoria were high school friends, and she was the one who recommended Victoria to the company. I barely knew Zoe other than the emails she sends me in the field as she is the head of the dispatch department.

"Get to know one of the players on the ice since cold heart over here doesn't find any of them cute. Who would you take Zoe?" Victoria said, most defiantly the alcohol talking.

Zoe rolled her eyes; I could tell she wasn't wanting to deal with Victoria anymore either. "To get to know, probably the boy on the sweater, the Crow himself. Melissa, what about you as I already know Victoria's answer."

"And who would that be?" Victoria snarked at Zoe.

"Patrick Kane, duh. He's the only player you can spend hours talking about. Besides, you are also wearing his jersey."

Zoe did have a point, before this game Victoria was telling me who the top stars were on the team. When she got to Kane, she would just talk and talk about him. Tonight, she had brought out her white Kane jersey with the 2010 Stanley Cup patch on it since he was the one to seal the deal on that cup according to her. Zoe was wearing a red Corey Crawford jersey herself so Crow must be his nickname from context.

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