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Amy_CP this was the demon angel thing! Lol.

I know it's been FOREVER but I didn't forget it!

Remember you inspired so much of this, even though a couple things were changed around! Enjoy 💜

Story cover created by Amy_CP


It wasn't a true surprise when it happened. Though that didn't make it any less terrifying.

He'd been a trouble maker all his life, though not without good reason, but that didn't matter to them did it?

It was apparent as he half stumbled, half was dragged along rough, rocky terrain, that the royals had grown sick of his shenanigans. That the council had come to a decision to end them. To end him..

Years of living only to piss off the ones who were determined to hate him so needlessly had finally cultivated in this moment.

It was only as he approached the islands' edge that he struggled in the guard's grasps, to no avail, for they were so much stronger than his malnourished self. His mother's cries and screams echoed fresh in his head, what would he do without him? He'd be all alone.. The dark angel had never been religious, just another reason for those holier-than-thou assholes to hate him, but in this moment he prayed silently to whoever may listen, he prayed for his mother to be okay.

Mere feet from the island edge the angel was shoved down to his knees, roughly, by the two others. There wasn't even a senior guard to supervise the banishment as there should be... He wasn't even worth that much. "W-wait, please- I don't--" The first words he'd said since these two colorful winged men had barged into his room in the night, they were cut off with a shriek followed by agonized screams as hands fisted around the base of each wing and twisted until the pop and crack of muscle and bone was heard.

His screams may as well amount to nothing, that's how the guards treated them. Not a single reaction of empathy, no remorse; one may even have smiled.

The pain was like a bad high, like being disconnected from the world, and it was the worst he'd ever experienced. He sobered up quickly when the ground was gone from beneath his knees. The first reaction was instinct, though when the dark angel tried to flap his wings he was met with a moment of unconsciousness, the pain so severe his body would rather shut down.

When he came to he was closer to the trees than before, the floating island becoming a smaller and smaller shape in the sky. His last thought before he again blacked out, was 'What's the point?' The blackness was welcomed as his eyes slipped shut, only seconds before his limp body had impact with the first of many branches.

Falling into the forest may have saved the dark angel's life, but it came with a cost. Scratches and gashes covered him by the time he hit the forest floor, twigs and splinters sticking from deep wounds at odd angles. Blood attracted predators.

You see, angels were not alone in this large world. While they ruled the sky, the groundland was overrun by twisted, evil, cruel creatures. Demons.

Heartless beasts, they were more like the animals they represented than like men.

Or so the dark angel had been taught.

Truly the groundland was alright, if not a tad bloody. The days of needless suffering had been short lived, most demons preferred to have peace with one another. Despite how unsteady that peace could be. Sure, there were bad moments, but the majority of demons were in agreement not to hunt other demons, instead they hunted the animals of the groundworld. Some of which they shared designs with.

As a demon you lived either in a pride, a pack, a herd, or you were a loner.

A loner is what found Chase.

Angel/Demon AUWhere stories live. Discover now