Ch; 4

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Story cover created by Amy_CP


Interesting. Yes. That was certainly the word the daemon would use.. Interesting.

Definitely not stupid, annoying, motherfucking, idiot.

Reigning in his rage the dragon man wore his best 'stop fucking moving' expression, seeing as how he couldn't just tell the angel to stay still. The scent of his own annoyance hung thick in the air with the angel's fear - any longer and the dumbass was going to tear himself back open.

First the angel had backed himself into the corner when the daemon came into the room, keeping narrowed eyes on the dragon man's every movement while he searched through a box for his mortar and pestle; then gods forbid the daemon wanting to sit on the nest with him while he ground the fresh herbs he collected into a poultice. Alas, even then he had relented, instead sitting a few feet away.

With the fresh poultice made and some spare leaves to apply it with, the daemon again tried to get close; nope, darky wouldn't allow it, he shuffled the other direction. Well shit, how was he meant to do anything if he couldn't even get close to the angel? Hadn't it been made obvious by now that he meant no harm?

"I'm tempted to knock you out again." The daemon rumbled in his frustration, all it garnered from the angel was an odd, scared look.

He wasn't even bloody anymore, so what was the issue?!


This game of keep away was draining his already-tired body very quickly, muscles beginning to ache, soft panting breaths falling from his lips..

He didn't care if the demon had helped him before, for all he knew he'd been kept alive so he could- could be used as bait or something..? It didn't make sense, but it didn't need to, he didn't want the demon touching him again. For goodness sake, he'd seen those claws..!

He didn't want to feel them; even if they were sheathed right now... And even if the... Dragon - Chase thought the demon was based off the giant fire breathing creatures from old bedtime stories, which really didn't help the man's case - was holding only fresh poultice and leaves similar to the ones that were stuck to him..

He didn't care..


When it was well and truly clear that the angel wasn't about to let him come close, the dragon man huffed and only barely refrained from throwing the poultice and leaves at him- instead he set them on the ground, a few feet from the nest, and turned to walk away briefly.

If he couldn't use gentle pushing, there was a good chance bribery would work.


Chase could only let out a sigh of relief when the demon finally left, seemingly having given up - really the angel should know better, but he'd enjoy the moments peace while it lasted.

For it truly was only a moment or two, and the angel nearly wanted to sob when the stranger was back through the doorway. That is, until he caught the scent of something edible and suddenly three days of not eating, especially after having thrown up his last bit of sustenance, was making him go mad. The angel was actually salivating, and he had half the mind to be embarrassed, but he really couldn't manage it right now.

In one hand the demon held a cup or bowl of some sort, the water lapping at the edges was crystal clear and wow Chase's mouth was extremely dry. How hadn't he noticed these things before? In his other hand the man held a large leaf, which is what the smell was coming from, with little uneven cubes - of what the angel assumed were cooked meat - stacked atop it.

Angel/Demon AUWhere stories live. Discover now