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Patrick's Pov

It's been about three weeks since Ivan got out of the hospital. From what information I get he's doing better. In the car portion. Other than that I have no clue.

My sister's haven't stopped ringing my phone, since I didn't join them. They should be happy though, they're in Venice while I'm in London.

Lucky for me, my friend hadn't moved somewhere else before I got here. Very thankful she let me live with her in this mansion.

I've gotten in touch with my other friends. The ones I made before I left. That was fun meeting up with them again.

Since I just got back things have been a bit chaotic. They already have thrown six party's and two were for me. If we're not partying then we're at a club. I've tried meeting other people, but I just compare them to Ivan.

I should be able to start school and maybe get a job. Hopefully within the next few weeks. So my mind will stop replaying all my time with Ivan.



"Do you know what's for dinner and what we are going to do tonight?"

"No clue and yes. we're going to stay in and watch horrible movies. Eating ice cream and popcorn with a course.
(She looks around.) Some weed." She whispers like someone is going to tell on her.

"Ok. I'll make sure to keep it a secret."

"Well the rest are coming over and they want, so."

I laugh. She's right they can't keep anything a secret.

"Ok. We'll then I'm going to take a nap."

"Alright I'll wake you when foods- we're having pasta. I'll wake you when the foods done."

"Oh and before I forget I know how much you like to plan outfits ahead. We'll be going to a opening in a month or more."

"Ok. Thank you for letting me know."

"No prob. Good night ugly."

"Bitch please."

She just chuckles walking out the door.

One week later

Ivan's Pov

"Ivan, you have to get out of bed."

"And go where exactly."

"You've practically put me on bed rest."

"No, you put yourself on bed rest. All you do is think about Patrick or how long it's been since you've seen him. You don't even have to go to school because of the accident, and we're almost out anyway. The only thing you do is mope about Patrick leaving or where he is! You need to see a therapist. And don't you dare argue with me about this! It's happening weather you want it or not! I've already made an appointment."

Damn Isa why does she have to worry so much. I'm fine I just need to find Patrick, but if going to see a therapist we'll get her off my back then fine.

"Fine. Sure. Whatever you want."

Two days later

Isa had already booked me an appointment, so I tell them my name and then go in.

"Ivan why are you here?"

Getting straight to the point. Great.

"So Isa we'll get off my back."

"Ok, so there's not one part of you that wants to be here truthfully."

I just look at him.

"Ok, why do you think Isa would want you to come here so badly?"

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