Chapter 36

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Readers POV

I couldn't help but laugh as Toothless told me more in detail how he got to make breakfast as we ate. Having to wash the fish properly after fishing it, cutting the fish into fillets, pulling out any pin bones he could find.

"You really went through all that? You could've woken me up to help you. I'm not an expert, but I do know a few things about cooking." I say as I calm down my laughter.

"Really? I've never seen you cook." Toothless says with a smile and a raised eyebrow.

"Well, Valka always offered me food when she had already done it." I explain, defending myself and take the last bite from my plate.

"Thank you for the breakfast, Toothless." I say as I got up, leaning to kiss his cheek.

"It was good, maybe even better than Valka's... Don't tell her that. Her cooking is still great." I chuckle taking his plate as well.

"Wait until Hiccup hears about you making breakfast." I say when I finish washing the dishes and drying off my hands.

"Please don't. He'll probably make fun of me." Toothless groans.

"For learning how to cook?"

"No. I don't know how. It won't be because of that, but if he knew, I just know he'll make fun of me... I hope Valka doesn't tell him." He sighs.

"I don't think she will. She talks a lot with Hiccup and Astrid, but it's not in a way about telling them every detail of the day." I say, getting my coat, putting it on. I get Toothless' coat too, holding it out for him. He takes it but looks up at me, confused.

"Where are you going?" He asks.

"I don't know about you, but I'm not staying indoors all day."

"But it's still pretty early." He says, still getting his coat on as well. I shrug.

"Stay, then." I say, heading to the door after I made sure my shoes were on properly.

"I was just saying." Toothless says, catching up to me.


"Is there anything we could do today?" I ask after a while of walking with no specific destination.

"Hm, I don't think so... You just wanted to come out for no specific reason?" He asks. I shrug.

"Yeah, there's nothing to do inside."

"At least it was warmer. Aren't you cold?"

"I didn't force you to come. Aren't you supposed to be resistant to the cold?"

"No..? Not like this, I'm freezing right now." He says. I look at him, his nose and ears slightly red.

"I'm not that used to the cold like this. Imagine you were a dragon your whole life and then suddenly wake up as a human."

"Then just shift." I suggest. He's quiet for some time.

"I enjoy being human... It's just..." He mumbles. I chuckle.

"Shift with me." He replies.


"Why not? You're cold, too, aren't you?"

"Well, yeah-"

"Then come on." He says, grabbing my hand, pulling on it gently.

"I don't know." I say. I wasn't fully used to my dragon form. There's a look in his eyes.

"Hm... Tag." He says, tapping my shoulder, stepping back slowly.

"What..?" I was confused. He smiles, a mischievous smile.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2022 ⏰

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