Chapter 18

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Toothless' POV

We were now flying following Astrid and Stormfly. Yes, flying. Astrid said it was a long way to visit the places, so it'd be much easier and faster to just go flying.

When I shifted again, I barely felt a thing, which was a big relief. This time (y/n) was with me, which made me give a mocking look at Stormfly when we flew side by side, causing her to roll her eyes.

"We're almost there!" Astrid called out. After a few moments, we carefully landed. I made sure (y/n) didn't fall or anything as she was getting off. She could already get off and on just as well as hiccup, but it still worried me she could slip or something. Once hiccup and (y/n) were off, I quickly shifted back. Every time I shifted, not only did I feel less pain, but also they were quicker. The first one I suppose it took some minutes or so, but now it takes just a few moments.

"That was fast." (Y/n) said smiling at me as I went and stood next to her. We were in a place surrounded by trees. They were all separated enough for us to land though.

"Come on, it's this way." Astrid said excitedly as she kept leading us.

As we followed Astrid, I felt (y/n) taking my hand in hers. I held her hand light but firmly. I turned to her and gave her a smile, which she returned. It made me really happy that we've been gaining more confidence slowly each passing day. Obviously it's not something like we've known each other since years, but

Reader's POV

I got nervous trying to hold his hand, but I know it didn't matter

After several minutes of walking, Astrid came to a stop.

"Here we are." She said turning to us with a wide smile. We walked up to see what was there.

My eyes widen and my jaw drops at the sight. There was a big river, the water flowing smoothly and steady. A large area littered with different flowers everywhere. Trees here and there, giving plenty of shade.

"Woah. This is amazing! It's really beautiful. I'm jealous you got to see this while I was looking for wood." Hiccup said placing an arm over Astrid's shoulder and pulling her close to him lightly. Astrid chuckled, leaning up to kiss Hiccup's cheek. I couldn't help but look at them in awe. They really were such a beautiful couple.

They walked on forward, me and Toothless following close behind. They went on walking around the flowers, and Stormfly also went in her own way looking around the area, meanwhile me and Toothless went towards the river. In this area of the island it was slightly warmer from where we were camping. I started taking my shoes off and roll the pants up a bit.

"What are you doing?" Toothless asked giving me a curious look.

"I wanna go in the water. Just the feet." I said giving him a smile. I was about to place a foot on the water, until I felt someone grab my arm. I look back again seeing Toothless with a worried look.

"What if it's cold? Or if you slip and fall?" He asks making me chuckle.

"This area of the island is warmer, and again, it's just the feet, I'll be careful, don't worry." I said giving him a reassuring look. He kept his gaze on me as he slowly loosened his grip on my arm. I place my right foot in the water, feeling it was pretty warm. A few small fish swam by my feet quickly, continuing their voyage. Toothless was now glancing around, so I bent down, cupping some water in my hands and throwing it at him. He jumped slightly and his alarmed eyes looked my way. His reaction causing me to laugh hysterically.

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