Chapter 29: Mating Season. (18+)

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[(JunkBot): Before we start the chapter, I just wanted to mention that Alex will make a shocking discovery about Pheromosa. And the Pokémon children that were born from Coral, Rosie, Helen and Myra will have some of Alex's traits and personality traits as well as the ability to manipulate Mana.

Actual content warning before even we start this chapter guys, things may get a wee bit mature cuz... you know me; I've never been slightly disgusted by a little bit of maturity... or a bucket or two. For the brave souls still reading, let's get this show on the road!

Also I would highly recommend that you guys get some holy water and bleach!)]

[Aliens used in this Chapter]:
• None.

It was late November, and it had been over several days since we came back from the Pokémon Paradise Resort. I was feeling very refreshed after going on a vacation. I hadn't really been on a vacation for over... 5 to 6 years ago. But when we returned, I noticed that Coral, Rosie, Myra and Helen had been acting a lot more intimate with me whenever I was alone. I was thinking that they were close to their mating season. Luckily, I had been reading up about Pokémon breeding, and I knew how to keep Coral, Rosie, Myra and Helen under control if they go a little too far. It was a calm Saturday evening, and I was just heading up to my room whilst in my pyjamas, when I noticed that the door was open. I was a little confused and nervous at the same time.

(Alex): *quietly* I do hope that no one has broken in. I better check just to be sure.

I carefully opened the bedroom door and I was surprised to see Myra sitting on my bed with a seductive smile on her face. I was already feeling nervous.

(Alex): Ummm

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(Alex): Ummm... Myra? Why are you looking at me like that?

Suddenly, Myra got up and walked up to me. She then placed her hands on my shoulders and smiled at me.

(Myra): Well Master, since you've done so much for me and the others, I thought I would repay you.

Before I could ask her what she meant, Myra used her psychic abilities to place me on the bed and as she had her back to me, she literally lifted her dress and flashed her posterior at me. I started to panic as my face turned bright red!


(Myra): *seductively* What's the matter Master? Like what you see?

(Alex): *stutters* Well... I uh...

(Myra): Come on Master, we've hardly ever had time to ourselves. So please let me have my first time with you~

(Alex): You mean you want to do it? With me?! Now?!?!

(Myra): Please Master!

(Alex): *thoughts* CRAP! SHE'S TOO CUTE!!! *sighs mentally* DAMN IT! I can't believe that I'm about to do this!

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