Happy Start

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Tae entered the room

Tae - good morning class, i hope your assignment is done i will be checking it so please open your copies on your desk and if there is someone who didn't do it can stand up before i come to their seats

Tae started going to every student and some stood up as they didn't do it and yes Mr Jeong aka Jungkookie was there as well

Tae - u again?

Jk - sorry sir...

Tae nodded and went forward ... After checking everyone's assignments

Tae - so all of these students who didn't do their homework will get punishment

Student 1 - Sir, can you please forgive me i was ill last week i just came back today

Student 2 - Mr Kim, me as well. Could you please excuse us this time

Student 3 - Mr kim, i was out of station

Tae - fine, but i will check this assignment in next class

All of them nodded

Tae - and about you Mr jeon?

Jk - i don't have any reasons i just didn't do it

Tae - alright then, your punishment will be that you will attend my extra classes batch, and clear my board whenever i ask you to, carry the notebooks and everything

Jk - fine, he sat down

Tae - i didn't ask you to sit

Jk - and i didn't ask you for your permission

Tae - language mr Jeon, go bring the duster from the staff room

Jk went and got the duster for him and then he started teaching and made jk sit on the first bench

Jk wasn't concentrating ofc

Tae - alright class, do the questions i will check them tom

Class - yes sir

Tae - and Mr Jeon, see you in the extra Class.

Time skip ~
Tae in his extra class - alright class, tom i will take a test in the college class and if you score well in that you won't have to attend these extra classes. Now you all may leave

Everyone started leaving the room

Jk - Aish, not this shitty test again

Tae (before leaving) - i hope you will score well or else be ready for punishment

Jk gulped a bit and then went home

Jk started studying a bit but wasn't really able to .. he was feeling feverish and then he became hungry
He went to the kitchen and had something but he vomited it out and then slept

He woke up the next day while his mother was shouting kookie wake upppp!!

Jk - ha?

Mrs Jeon - kook get ready, u have to go to college.. you slept so much after taking medicine

Jk got ready quickly and then packed his bag and left

Jk went and remembered today is the test he was scared no lie in that

Taehyung came and gave everyone the test papers
Jk was only able to do 3-4 questions out of 20 and it wasn't he didn't know how to do it instead he was very nervous he just knew that he can't do them

Tae collected all sheets and then next day gave the checked sheets back

Tae - i am really happy with the performance of this class, except of ofc the great Mr Jeon

Jk stood up - Mr Kim, i was ill so i wasnt able to prepare

Tae - we will talk about it in the extra class, and others you don't need to attend it anymore you all did well! Good work

In the extra class -

Jk was the only one who came

Tae - so jungkook, what kind of tension you are goin through

Jk - ha? How do u know?

Tae - common jk, you are a bright student, from last 3-4 months only you started scoring less

Jk - umm... There are a lot of problems going on sir .. My appa got into an accident, my grandmother died last month and there are financial problems as well. I-i don't know how to make it right

Jk - i started doing a part time job but the owner changed after 2 weeks, he was really weird ... He fired the other 2 employees and only kept me for all the world and h-he used to abuse me as well

Tae - what? What did he do?

Jk - he...he used to touch my chest whenever there were no customers .. he once made me sit on his lap and try to kiss me

Tae - jk, just leave the job and i will come with you and we will report it okay

Jk - (smiled) you are really like what all say...... thank you sir, i'll be off now.

Tae smiled

Jk - you have been teaching me for the past 3 years, you have made me really comfortable around you ... Thank you so much sir

Tae nodded and smiled

Jk - i hope you have a good day, i will leave now

Tae - okay then tom we will go and report about it okay don't worry

Jk nodded and thanked him

--- later that evening at tae's house

Tae - i am a good teacher, at least i could make my love happy for once, i know we can't be together he is an old student who is doing this degree late due to financial issues he is 25 already and i am 36. I just love his nature a lot! I hope he finds a good partner and lives happily

{ Love is not always a happy ending, sometimes it is a happy start ... Tae knew this wasn't possible as jk never saw him that way but at least he could protect that little bean and wish good for him }

The end

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