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Jungkook - taeeeeeeeee
He called him 2-3 times and then heard the door opening

Tae - ya why are u shouting now! It's literally 4am let me sleep 😴

Jk - uff oooo open your eyes

Tae forcefully opened his eyes - woahh u completed all of the designs

Jk - Yessss (he hugged tae)

Tae - awww (he hugged him back and he slept)

Jk - ya u slept again

Tae - let me sleep na baby

Jk - okay let's go to our room
They slept while cuddling.

Jk woke up at 9 am and again went to his study room to recheck his designs.
He was working and after a while the door opened revealing tae with a tray in his hands.

Tae - come it's breaky time

Jk left his laptop and came to eat with tae
They chatted while eating

Tae - so all designs done?
Jk - yes, i rechecked all of them
The manufacturer said he will deliver them all my next week so we can participate in 'Korea's Fashion Setter'

Tae nodded

Jk - and ofc my cute hwat sexy hubby (he sat on his lap) will be the model

Tae - always ready baby (kissed him)

Tae - okay then i will be going now, jim called me

Jk - okay, say hey to him from my side.

Tae nodded and then left

Next week the packages delivered and then jk checked all of them and was really happy with the output

He smiled to himself and then waited for tae to come from his shoot.

3 hours later he came back and then Jungkook started showing him all his designs.

Tae had already registered himself for the competition.

Competition day ~

Taekook were in dressing room

Tae came out wearing this

Jk - woahhh you are so handsome

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Jk - woahhh you are so handsome ... I need to marry you again or else someone will snatch you away (he whined)

Tae - stop it u stupid bunny.... The outfit seems to be really sexy, i feel so good in it

Jk smiled - alright now go, the staff already announced all participants to come backstage

Tae kissed jk and left

Jk was seeing the show from the side and wasn't really confident about his designs.

The next round came, 2 participants were eliminated out of 10.

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