Chapter Nineteen

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Mike's Pov

I was extremely disappointed that Chester didn't want me to kill Jason. I may seem cool and collected on the outside, but inside is a completely different story. I want to kill Jason for what he's done.

I debated on whether I should turn around, go home, and murder him but I knew Chester would hate me if I did that. I also didn't want to spend the rest of my life behind bars without Chester. I couldn't live without him.

We pulled into the police station and parked the car. We walked up the group of stairs leading up to the building and headed for the front desk. The lady behind it looked up at us and a huge grin crossed her face.

"Oh my god! You're the guys from Linkin Park!" She exclaimed and I couldn't help but snicker a little bit. Chester, on the other hand, didn't laugh but instead smiled. I knew he was feeling horrible right now. Normally, he's bright and cheerful with his fans but we don't have time for that right now.

"Yes, we are." I smiled and her eyes settled on me with a dreamy stare. Sometimes I forget the public doesn't know Chester and I are together.

"911, what's your emergency?" She asked in a strange tone, tossing me a wink. I almost rolled my eyes but I didn't want to seem rude, plus I saw Chester did that for me. The lady didn't notice though, she was too focused on me.

"We need someone removed from our home immediately and charged with rape." I said bluntly and her demeanor suddenly flipped and she appeared extremely serious. She looked over at Chester, who began shaking at the word rape. She seemed to be in a daze, seeing exactly who was hurt between us just by Chester's sensitive reaction. She called someone over, a police officer.

"We need to send a team over to-" She looked over at me and I said my address. "And we need a full search on Chester Bennington for wounds or any kind of sexual assault which we can charge the man in Mike Shinoda's home of rape."

"Alright." The officer simply said and gathered up his team before all breaking up into their squad cars. Another officer came over, looking higher in rank than the others had.

"I hear a full search on Chester Bennington is needed?" He raised an eyebrow at the lady who nodded her head. "I'll call our specialist."

He looked at Chester.

"Are you currently in any type of pain?" He asked Chester who looked into the cop's eyes. The cop looked slightly uneasy.

"Yes." He breathed out which made my heart hurt. He was hurting right now?

"Cancel my call for the specialist. Send an ambulance." He said, looking over at the lady again who obeyed. "I just have a few more questions, is that alright?"

"Yes." Chester answered in the same small voice.

"Full name?"

"Chester Charles Bennington." I replied for him. The officer nodded.


"March 20th." I said again. He nodded.

"Any allergies?"

"None but he gets sick really easily." I added and once again, he nodded.

"Relationship status?" He asked looking at Chester, who looked at me as if asking if it was alright to tell the cop.

"He's in a relationship." I replied and he nodded.

"Partner's name so we can contact her?" He asked and I cringed at 'her'.

"Actually... That 'her' would happen to be me." I said firmly and he paused, as if asking if I was serious before nodding again. The lady's head peaked when I admitted to being Chester's boyfriend.

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