Chapter Eighteen

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Mike's POV:

We were driving home and I felt suddenly antsy. I briefly remembered that I have a tour with Fort Minor coming soon and I haven't told Chester yet. Ryu and Tak had worked on the majority of the album by theirselves and I went in sometimes to record and share lyrics I had written at home. We've been working on this album a long time, I believe it's unfair that Chester doesn't know about it.

"Chaz, I need to tell you something." I suddenly spoke up and Chester flinched slightly when I spoke, which puzzled me but I shrugged it off.

"Wh-what is it?" He stuttered. Why in the world is he stuttering? He sounds afraid like I'm going to confront him about something.

"Are you okay?" I asked him softly and he shrugged. Something was definitely wrong and upsetting him. I can forget about telling him about the tour right now, what matters is if he's alright.

"Why do you ask? What did you need to tell me?" He asked quickly, sounding slightly guilty even. Has he done something wrong? Have I?

"You just sound... Different. Like you're afraid I'm going to expose something from you. What I need to tell you can wait, this is more important." I added, hoping it'd settle Chester's nerves down slightly and urge him to confess to whatever he's hiding or feeling.

"What? That's crazy. No, I'm not hiding anything or... Anything. Yeah." Chester struggled to form words and I couldn't help but feel as though my head was screaming at me to pick up on something. I just couldn't figure out what it was.

"Are you like going through anything?" I pushed a little more and he began tearing up.

He suddenly bursted into tears, his body trembling horribly. My heart broke at the sight of him breaking once again in front of me. What happened to him?

"J-Jason..." He stuttered through his tears and my heart felt like it stopped. What did Jason do to Chester?! Of course I have some ideas but I need confirmation before I do something that could probably land me in prison. "He's been... He's been raping me. Every time you leave..."

He bursted into more sobs and pulled up his sleeves. I pulled the car over to prevent a crash from my eyes tearing up. I looked and saw perfectly made bruises that appeared to look like right hand grips wrapped around both wrists. They were accompanied by self harm scars that seemed to layer. He hasn't been home that long and he's already been hurt so much.

"Chester..." I breathed out and he gripped onto my arm. "Tell me exactly what Jason did to you."

"N-No!" He yelled, pulling away. His eyes said everything that I needed to know. Jason hurt him horribly.

"Shh, baby, shh. I love you, I love you so much. Okay? I need you to tell me what you want me to do."

Chester's POV:

I was so confused when Mike asked me what I wanted him to do. I didn't know myself. I can see all of Mike's anger through his eyes but he's not reacting the same way.

"W-what?" I stuttered and he sighed.

"Tell me honestly what you want me to do, and I'll do it."

"I-I don't understand." I admitted and he held onto both of my hands.

"Do you want me to report him to the police? Kick him out? Beat him against the curb?... Kill him?" He asked the last part quietly and my eyes widened.

"Mike!" I cried out, admittedly terrified but I somehow settled down. It was odd how comforting in a way his offer to murder Jason was. I knew I could be safe with Mike.

"Shh, we don't have to do anything you don't want to do." He said softly and put a gentle hand to my face. "What do you want?"

"What do you want to do?" I countered and he pulled his hand away.

"I think that's obvious, Chaz." Mike said in a quiet voice and I felt my eyes heating up again.

"Do you... Want to kill him?" I asked carefully and he didn't reply, just stared darkly into my eyes.

"Do you want to hear the answer to that?" He asked, his breathing becoming heavy.

"Yeah." I admitted with a small whine added to my voice. He looked down, not wanting to make eye contact with me.

"Of course I want to kill him. He can burn in a thousand suns and he still wouldn't have suffered enough for everything he did to you." Mike said darkly and tears fell down my face silently. Mike looked back up at me. "But what I want doesn't matter. It's what you feel needs to be done."

I remained silent.

"I will kill this man for you, Chester. I will murder this piece of shit who lives in our home if it means he'll never hurt you again. I will torture him if you let me. There's not a chance that he'll get off easy if you let me have him. Don't let me swing your answer, just know this option is totally available and I want to do it if you want me to."

I was hesitant. Mike wants to kill him and he wants to bad. I can see his desperation to let him murder Jason in his eyes.

"No. Let's just turn him in." I decided and Mike looked slightly angry.

"What?! Chester! This guy raped you again! He molested you as a kid and you don't want him dead?!" He boomed and I shoved myself as far to the other side of the car as I could from my seat.

"Of course I want him dead but I don't want to lose you! You'll go to jail!" I defended my answer and Mike was about to say something but hesitated and closed his mouth.

"I guess." He sighed and started the car back up.

"Let's go to the police station." I urged him and he slowly nodded before hesitantly driving.


Authors Note: I am so sorry it took so long to update and it's not a long chapter. I've been extremely busy this last two weeks and I've been meaning to get this chapter out ASAP!

In unrelated news about anything at all tbh, I'm meeting Chester! I received a meet & greet for Stone Temple Pilots for the 25th of September. I cannot describe to you just how grateful I am right now.

I've been repeatedly trying to write a rough draft letter to give to him when I meet him, although that seems forever away. Unfortunately, I can't seem to say exactly what I want to in this letter and I fear it is impossible. These constant attempts to write a perfect letter has really affected my usual fanfiction writing schedule but no longer, I say! I'll try to update regularly but please don't hold me to anything lol.

Thank you so much for your patients and for reading!

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