Tim can we get McDonald's ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ ͡⁠°⁠ ͜⁠ʖ⁠ ͡⁠°⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯

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The five proxies we're driving down highway 69, Tim and Brian in the front and the other three in the back.

Untill, Toby and Y/n had this one amazing idea.


// Narrators POV //

"Tim can we get McDonald's?" They both pleaded, they knew how to get to Tim.
Tim's grip on the steering wheel tightened, he was well aware of the smirk on Brian's face.

"Why can't we ever just go out to eat?" Tim rose his dark eyebrow, looking at the two teens in the rear view mirror. "Uh, because we're wanted criminals." Kate scoffed, rubbing her eyes and looked around. She was asleep for the past three hours, plus she hated cat talk.

"K, goodnight guys." She yawned, letting her head hang back and went back to sleep.

"Goodnight Kate." Brian hummed, his cheery smile brightening the mood of the car ride. "Okay back to food," Y/n began. "We atleast wanna get something to eat... because let's be honest, E.J's cooking legit tastes like ass." Y/n almost threw up at the thought.

"Because it's human meat, Y/n." Tim huffed.

"Huh, so that's how Brian stays in shape." Toby muttered, knowing it would spark up one of Y/n's interests. "What?" Brian turned to face the two teens in the back seat, raising his eyebrow.
"Yeah! How the fuck do you stay in shape? Like I don't get it." Y/n exclaimed, furrowing their eyebrows. "Why the fuck do we always end up talking about my body or diet?" Brian groaned, sitting forward once more only to earn a smirk from Tim in revenge.

"If we don't get McDonald's I'm going to jump out of the fucking v-van." Toby growled, grabbing the door handle. "Same." Y/n crossed their arms over their chest, eyeing Tim in the driver's seat.

"You two are so fuckin childish I'm going to jump out of the van." Tim spat, tightening his grip on the steering wheel. "Well, if you want, you can just break the fourth wall and go to the Cannon version of this book." Y/n rolled their e/c eyes.

"Your crazy, Bro what book? What the fuck are they talking about? What book is always being brought up!" Toby stressed, furrowing his eyebrows on Y/n. "Oh nothing, Only Y/n's know what I'm talking about." Y/n let out a dramatic sigh. "I think we should stop at Walgreens and pick up your damn proscription, because you sure as hell need it." Tim muttered, turning off of the highway and down onto the main road.


"Shut the fuck up with that."

"Your not my dad."



"Ohhhh just because he's dead doesn't mean you can't say so, Tomato."


"TOBY! WE'RE GOING TO MCDONALD'S! HOLD THE FUCK ON!" Tim speeded down the road, The McDonald's was one mile away. "Okay." Toby groaned, grabbing his stomach.


Y/n's nose wrinkled, their neck tingled.

Slowly turning their head to look in the back seat, meeting the gaze of wide red eyes.

" *FIVE YEAR OLD SCREAM* " Y/n went ape shit, jumping to the front of the car and onto Brian.
"HOLY SHITT-" Tim swerved, quickly straightening back out onto the road. "WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT!" Toby screeched, curses were heard from Tim.

"GUYS! CALM DOWN! ITS ME!" The dog yipped, it was smile dog Except it looked like he was walking fucking corpse. "Holy, mother of God." Brian beathed out, his arms shook as he held Y/n in place. "Smile? Wh-what the fuck...bro, you looked crazy." Y/n chuckled at their foolishness, sometimes Smile would forget that he was with his "family" and would show his true self that only his victims saw.

"Sorry." Smile whined, resting his head on the top of the seat as Toby did his best to scoot as far away from the dog as possible.


"Timmmootthhhyyy..." Y/n groaned, slumped in their seat besides Toby. "what?" The man yawned, they had passed the McDonald's an hour ago.

Tim hoped that the teens would forget, but of course they didn't.

"Can we get McDonald's?" Toby spoke before Y/n, resting his head against the glass of the window.


"Heh, Yeah, yeah...we can get get whatever you guys want." Tim chuckled, pressing hard onto the gas petal. "Tim..." Brian furrowed his eyebrows, reaching out for the man. "LETS GO TO THE FUCKIN MOON WHY NOT?!" Tim laughed out.




The proxies and smile dog were never seen again, some say their on the moon.


I finished book one of my other series, so now to book three!

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