chapter 12

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It was a quiet car ride over to Emily's place, neither knew what to say to the other. Finally they arrived outside Emily's apartment building. JJ took her bag out of the trunk and walked up to Emily.

" Lead the way" she said.

Emily walked toward her building, JJ walked close beside her. When they reached the entrance, JJ opened the door for Emily. They took the elevator up to Emily's floor and Emily unlocked the door and let them in. JJ had never been to Emily's apartment before. It was really nice, and she had an amazing view over the city.

" Wow, you have a really beautiful place Emily" JJ said as she walked around the living room.

" Thank you, yeah it's nice. I like it here" Emily said.

" Come on, I'll show you to the guest room" she continued and started walking towards the stairs.

JJ followed her. Emily flinched as she started to walk up the stairs, the stitches tore her skin when she climbed the stairs and it hurt. JJ noticed how Emily's body language changed and she walked up to her and put her hand on her shoulder.

" Em, are you alright?" she asked worried.

" Yeah, it's just the stitches..." Emily said and turned to face the younger woman.

" Come on, let's get you to the couch, I'm sure I'll manage to find the guest room by myself" JJ said and put her arm around Emily's shoulders and supported her down the stair. Emily put her arm around JJ's waist to support herself. JJ's whole body tingled when she felt Emily's arm around her. Emily enjoyed being this close to JJ though it made her heart speed up and she felt out of breath. She hoped the affect the younger woman had on her didn't show.

When they reached the couch JJ helped Emily lie down. She took an extra pillow and helped Emily sit up as she put it behind her head. Suddenly JJ became very aware of how close she was to the older woman, her arm was around Emily's shoulders to help her up, and as she gently eased her back down their faces met and were merely inches apart. JJ couldn't breathe, neither could Emily. JJ slowly looked up and met Emily's eyes. She wanted nothing more than to lean forward and capture her lips with her own, suddenly she caught herself moving in closer to Emily's mouth. Emily swallow hard as she noticed JJ slowly moving closer to her. What is she doing? She's so close I can feel her breath on my face... Is this a dream? Emily wondered. Before she knew it JJ had pulled back like nothing had happened. That was too close! God what was I thinking?! I almost kissed her! Way to go Jareau! You're suppose to be supporting her through this, as her friend , the last thing she needs right now is you making a move at her. This will not happen again!

" Are you comfortable?" JJ asked acting like the intimate moment they just shared never happened.

" Yeah, this is fine, thank you" Emily said back, she felt slightly confused. I must have imagined that, she probably wasn't even as close as I thought she was. It's just in your head Prentiss. Remember you're on pretty strong pain meds, it was probably my mind playing me a trick. JJ doesn't feel that way about you, just get over it already! Emily thought.

" I'm gonna go leave my bag in the guest room" JJ said.

" It's the first door on the left" Emily explained.

" Okay, I'll be right back" JJ said and went upstairs.

She found the room right away. It was a nice room, she noticed this room had an amazing view as well. She dropped the bag on the bed and sat down next to it. It was a very comfortable bed. She caught herself wondering how Emily's bed felt like, and she felt an urge to see her bedroom. She walked out of the room and figured Emily's bedroom must be the one next to the guest room. The third door must be the bathroom she thought. She slowly walked over to Emily's bedroom door but stopped herself. She didn't want to intrude, this was Emily's home and she had no right to snoop around. She figured she would get to see her bedroom later tonight when Emily's bandage needed changing so she just walked down the stairs again.

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