chapter 14

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Emily was the first to wake up the next morning. She felt a weight lying on her arm and as she turned her head she saw JJ lying on her shoulder, her arm was draped across Emily's body. Emily smiled, it felt really good to wake up like this, with JJ in her arms. She hoped the blonde would sleep a while longer, she wanted to hold her for as long as possible knowing it wouldn't happen again. Half an hour later JJ started to stir, as she opened her eyes she noticed she was lying in Emily's arms, snuggled closely against Emily's body with her arm draped over the older woman. She thought she was dreaming, being this close to Emily felt so right. She never wanted to leave her embrace but she knew she couldn't stay like this. She slowly moved her arm and reluctantly pulled herself away from Emily, instantly missing the contact.

" Hi..." Emily said softly.

" Hey..." JJ said, not looking at her. It felt really awkward. She moved further away from Emily and sat up on the edge of the bed rubbing her hands over her face.

" What time is it?" she asked still not looking at Emily.

" It's almost 9 AM" Emily answered.

" Oh?" JJ was a bit surprised that they'd slept so long.

" I'm gonna go and put some coffee on" she said and stood up.

" Okay..." Emily said and watched JJ walk out of the room. She hoped she hadn't upset the younger woman.

JJ walked down the stairs and in to the kitchen. She put the coffeemaker on and then she leaned against the counter. She took a deep breath, she didn't know if she could keep her feelings inside much longer. Especially if there were to be another night like the previous one. When the coffee was done she poured it in to two cups and went back up. She knocked lightly on Emily's door before she walked in. She walked over to Emily's bed and sat down on the edge as she handed one cup to Emily.

" Thank you" Emily said and smiled.

" How are you feeling today?" JJ asked and met her eyes for the first time that morning.

" I'm okay, it hurts a little but not too bad. I've bled through the bandage though" Emily answered.

" Oh, okay. Well, do you want to take a shower first, then I can put on a new bandage after?" JJ asked.

" A shower would be wonderful" Emily said.

JJ took Emily's mug and helped her get out of the bed. Emily's foot got caught in the covers so she stumbled forward slightly right in to JJ who caught her.

" Are you okay?" JJ asked, her arms around Emily's waist.

" Yeah, I'm sorry. I'm so clumsy" Emily said, her hands were on JJ's upper arms. This was the forth time in the last 24 hours they had manage to get themselves in these intimate, awkward situations. Once again their eyes locked and they just stood with their arms around each other. JJ swallowed hard.

" you think you'll make it to the shower without tripping over or do you want me to walk ahead and remove any possible obstacles?" JJ teased her trying to lighten the tension between them. Emily hit her on the arm lightly.

" That wont be necessary, I don't intend to fall anymore today, thank you" Emily said and walked passed the younger woman and headed to the bathroom.

Once inside Emily started to take off her t-shirt but after her fall last night she couldn't manage to do that without excruciating pain. She tried one more time but she couldn't get it off, it hurt too much. Son of a bitch, how hard can it be to take off a fucking t-shirt. She was really irritated. Yesterday, before she fell, she managed to both put her clothes on and take them off, but after the wound had opened up again last night she couldn't do it by herself. She had no choice but to call after JJ.

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