chapter 19

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JJ got up from her chair and walked over to Emily and bent down next to her. She took her hand.

" I need you too Emily...and I need to be here for you now... let me be here for you..." JJ said softly.

Emily stood up and pulled JJ up with her. She pulled the younger woman into a hug and held her tight. JJ wrapped her arms around her and buried her face in the crook of Emily's neck.

" I love you..." Emily whispered in JJ's ear.

" I love you too..." JJ whispered back and held her a little tighter.

They stood like that for a while, just holding each other tight. Slowly they drew apart and looked at each other. JJ leaned forward and met Emily's lips in a tender kiss before she pulled back and found her eyes again.

" Now, if you finish your breakfast we can go cuddle on the couch later" JJ said and winked.

" Consider it done" Emily said and kissed her again before she sat down again and finished her breakfast in a hurry.

JJ was already seated when Emily walked into the living room.

" Hey...come here" JJ said and reached out her hand.

Emily walked over to the couch and took JJ's hand. JJ pulled her down so she came to sit in front of her. Emily leaned back against the blonde and JJ wrapped her arms around her and kissed the side of her head.

"Are you comfortable?" JJ asked.

" Very" Emily said and smiled.

" It doesn't hurt?" JJ asked.

" No, I think I could lay like this forever..." Emily said and closed her eyes. JJ held her a little tighter. Emily entwined her fingers with JJ's

They lay in silence for a while, both enjoying the feeling of just being together. JJ's mind started wander back to the conversation they started before they were interrupted by Garcia. Emily was just about to tell her something about the night at the gay club.

" Emily?" she asked softly.

" mmm?" Emily answered.

" The other night, before Garcia came over, you were about to tell me something. Do you remember?" JJ asked.

Emily opened her eyes and thought back to that night.

" Yeah... I remember..." Emily answered.

" What was it?" JJ wondered.

Emily started to play with JJ's fingers.

" I was about to tell you that the reason I wasn't in control of the situation was you..."Emily said softly.

" Me?" JJ asked.

" Yeah...First when Hotch told us he wanted us to do this undercover operation I got really nervous because I wasn't sure how I felt about you and I was afraid of what might happen if you and I had to act like a couple. I was afraid of how it would make me feel" Emily said.

" I was really nervous too. You made me feel something...from the first moment I met you, you made me feel something I could never explain. I didn't know what it meant... until I kissed you...then I knew..." JJ confessed.

" When Garcia called, on the way over to the club, and said we would have to kiss... my heart was beating so fast I thought it would jump out of my chest. I honestly had never thought about that but it made perfect sense if we were to pass as a real couple, but it scared the hell out of me" Emily said.

" You know, if your phone hadn't started ringing when we danced, I would have kissed you" JJ said softly.

" Damn Hotch" Emily joked. JJ smiled and kissed her cheek.

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