01. Returning To Kingslanding.

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           Visenya sat in the carriage with her two children in front of her, they have been on the king's road for a few days now, and there were due to arrive at the king's landing in a few hours or a day if they get slower.

Alyssa, as impatient as ever, opened the small window of the carriage to see where they arrived or to enjoy the scenery. She quickly got back to her seat with her hand closing her nose.

Visenya quickly shut the window. "Oh, it smells!"

Visenya shared an amused glance with her son. "Yes, the capital does stink, which means we're close to the red keep. I can't wait to sleep in a bed again."

"So do I! I'm so tired of taverns and horse meat, I've heard cousin Lymam speak of how our cousin the king enjoys feasts, do you think we will be invited to one? And the tourney! I'm so excited! Who do you think should I give my favor to?" Alyssa asked her mother and brother.

"Yes, Viserys loves feasts and tourneys, there will be feats and banquets almost every day for you two to enjoy. And while we're there, make sure to meet good lords and ladies. The Tyrells are paramount of the reach and wardens of the south, but only for the last century, you need to marry a good lady from the reach. And you, Alyssa, you're almost of age, but still too young, but this opportunity won't come twice, find a nobleman from a strong house you'd like to marry, and we can have a Long betrothal, that won't be an issue to anyone."

The children nodded and everyone sat in silence for the next few hours. Visenya was deep in thought, excited to meet her family once more but anxious at being back to kKing'slanding. The redkeep was a dangerous place, a nest for vipers and scorpions, she'd need to be careful with her sake and that of her children.

Alyssa, as naive and innocent as ever, sat embroidering a green cape with a yellow flower and a dragon that her family had assumed is for Vhagar.

Aemon contemplate his mother's words silently until he cleared his throat.  "will you help me choose an appropriate bride mother?"

"I can give you plenty of suggestions my sweet son, but you will have to wait until I see them for myself. However, if a lady catches your heart, please tell me so. I married your late good father Robyn for love, and so did my parents before me. I want all of my children to do the same." Visenya assured her son and then turned to look at her daughter to address them both.

A knock interrupted the serene atmosphere, and one of the Tyrell footguards' voices peeked from the window. "My princess, my lord, my lady. We are entering the capitol, we will arrive at the Red keep in an hour."

Aemon cleared his throat and bid the guard a curt. "Good."

"Do you think our cousin Rhaenyra will allow me to ride Syrax with her?" Asked Alyssa excitedly.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2022 ⏰

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