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Part 39!

Jane P.O.V

My sleep was so comfortable. I cuddled with him all night without any tension. It's been a long since I stayed with Yeonjun. Wait.... I didn't went there, then who's with me now? My eyes shot open but I didn't moved my body, not even a single inch. I looked form the corner of my eyes, there's a boy and, he-he's shirtless.

I slowly moved my face from the cork of his neck and looked at his face. As soon as his face was visible, i sighed in relief knowing that it's none other than on the the member. It's Jungkook. My eyes fell on the clock and it shows the time 5:04. I'm not gonna get up now because of three reasons:

1. It's really too early and I don't have anything to do.

2. I'm not in the mood to do anything.

3. Moreover, I'm so comfortable here that I don't wanna move.

I think it's alright to wake up late for a day. Just one day? I guess there's no harm in it. Without thinking again I closed my eyes and felt the pair of muscle strong arms tightening around my waist. I smiled and drifted in my dreamland like nothing happened.

Hoseok P.O.V

I woke up and saw the time. 8:38. It's neither late not early to wake you at this time. A perfect time to wake up. I walked to the luxurious bathroom to freshen up. After some time I went downstairs and saw Jin hyung, Marie, Taehyung and Robert at the dining table talking about some random stuff.

I greeted them all and after some time, gradually, other members also came. First Namjoon-ah then Suga hyung then Jiminie then Janet and then Daniel. There were still no sign of Jane and Jungkook. They might be still sleeping as they slept late at night.

Namjoon: Are Jungkook and Jane still not here?

He asked from the kitchen before pouring himself a glass of warm water.

Marie: They might be sleeping because they slept late at night. They'll be here soon.

Hoseok: I'll go and wake Jungkookie. It's not a good habit to wake up late.

I said and went to his room. I opened the door and darkness covered the whole room, making it difficult to see anything. My hand roamed through the wall in search of a light switch and when I found it I clicked the button and the lights opened. His bed was empty and it looked like he didn't even slept here at night. I went down to ask the members if Jungkook stayed with one of them.

Hoseok: With whom did Jungkook stayed at night.

Jimin & Taehyung: Not me....

I looked at the other members and they also shook their heads saying no.

I decided to check Jane's room as it was the only room left. I knocked the door twice, then opened it slightly to make sure she wasn't changing or anything. When I entered the room completely, a cute view was in front of my eyes. Jungkook and Jane were cuddling each other and Jane's head was resting on Jungkook's chest.

Her face was buried in his neck and they both breathe calmly. Without knowing a smile crept on my face and I pulled out my phone to capture this cute moment. I clicked a couple of their pictures and ran downstairs. As soon as I ran away and entered the dining area, the other members looked at me with a surprised look.

Taehyung: Hyung, is everything alright? Why are you running like a horse?

Hoseok: Jungkookie...... Jungkookie.....

I was out of breath and I couldn't speak much so I pulled out my phone and showed them the picture I took a moment ago. Everyone in the room were surprised and looked at the picture with awe. Well, except Jimin. His face was covered with a worried expression and he looked like he doesn't liked the fact that everyone was calling them cute together.

Seokjin: They... They look so cute.

Namjoon: Are they still sleeping? Or you wake them up?

Hoseok: They're still sleeping.

Yoongi: Then let's go to her room.

He said and everyone followed him to her room. The door opened again and the view is as same as before but the only thing which was not the same was that, the duvet which was covering both of them was now slightly removed from Jungkook's body which revealed his bare shoulders. We all looked at each other after we realised that Jungkook was shirtless. At first they both looked cute but now it looked more awkward than cute. We all decided to leave them alone but Jimin stayed to wake them up.

Jimin P.O.V

When I noticed that Jungkook was shirtless and he was cuddling Jane, I was so mad at him. How could he be so careless to forget that he's staying with a girl so at least he should put a shirt on. I'm pretty sure that Jane didn't know that he's staying here and moreover he's shirtless. I walked to them and laid beside Jane.

I gently pulled Jungkook's arms out of her waist and slightly pulled her towards me, planting a small kiss on her forehead. She adjusted herself turning her body to face me and then she slightly opened her eyes. I smiled at her and she hugged me like a baby while I hugged her back.

Jimin: How was your sleep ma baby?

Jane: Mmh~. It was nice.

Holy fuck! Her morning voice is so sexy.
I removed some strands of hair which were laying in front of her face and tugged them behind her ear.

Jimin: Wakei Wakei baby. It's almost 9. Your back must be hurting due to the long sleep. Get up and eat your breakfast and after that we all will play games.

Jane: Okie. I'm up.

She got up and went to the bathroom and I looked at Jungkook. This bunny is sleeping like he's dead. I grabbed a pillow and hit him with the pillow on his face causing him to groan in his sleep.

Jimin: Yah you muscle bunny! Wake up before I smack you! It's already 9.

Jungkook: Wae Jimin-shi. Let me sleep more. Don't disturb me you shorty.

Jimin: Wake up or I'll take Jane with me. Well, either you wake up or not, I'm gonna take her with me anyways.

Jungkook: Yahh! I'm up.

He said and quickly sat on the bed, earning a smack on his head. He groaned again.

Jungkook: Why are you hitting me in the morning?

Jimin: Don't you know how to behave with a girl? Look at you, you're shirtless and even knowing that you're staying with a girl, the least thing you could do is to put a shirt on.

Jungkook: Ohh I forgot. You know I can't sleep with a shirt on. I'm sorry.

Jimin: Don't say sorry to me. You have to listen to the hyungs scold you now.

Jungkook: Won't you help me get out of that Jimin-shi?

Jimin: Not today bunny.

End Of Chapter

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