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PART 75!

Jane P.O.V

I woke up around five in the morning and went to wake up the boys. The boys need to wake up early as it's a part of the training. I walked towards the first room but found no one. I was confused at first but then I heard someone call my name. I went towards the source of voice.

Seokjin: Jane! Breakfast's ready! Come fast!

Is it really five in the morning?!

Jane: Umm, yeah coming.

I said and walked down with him and found everyone sitting on the dining waiting for me. I looked at the, shocked.

Jungkook: What? We need to wake up early, like you. It's a part of the training.

I smiled knowing that they're really enjoying the training. This made me feel like I'm not forcing them to do anything and I'm glad for that. I sat beside my lovely boyfriend and he placed his hand on my thighs.

Jimin: How was your sleep, darling.

Jane: It was alright.

Hoseok: You know Jane, yesterday, I won against Namjoon in a fight. He was trying so hard but tripped over nothing. It was so funny to see him. You should have been there.

Seokjin: I also saw him tripping. His face was so funny.

And here it comes the most iconic windshield laugh ✨. He laughed so hard making all of us laugh. We ate the meal with so much love while some members started to feed me calling me a baby.

Taehyung: Say aaahh~

He said and moved his arm, swinging the spoon, making it look like a aeroplane while forwarding it towards my mouth. I opened my mouth copying his aaahh~.

Yoongi: You're so cute. Now my turn! Say aaahh~

And again, things repeat. Like the past repeat itself. But I wish the past never repeats itself. Not again. I don't want to lose them like I lost Grace. It didn't took much time for me to realise that their existence in my life is as important as Daniel's. They became a part of my life. They gave me another reason to live without even knowing.

Jane: Guys, today we'll practice on the driving skills.

Namjoon: What about me?

Taehyung: You should stay inside the building for the world's peace.

He joked but it seems like Namjoon oppa didn't take it as a joke. It seems more like an insult. And I understand his emotions. It hurts when people make fun of you even if it's your closest friend or you're family. We know they're just joking but deep inside, it made us insecure.

Jane: I'll give you a case to handle. I'll hand you some files and you have to just go through it, mark some important points, and make a theory from the give elements. Make sure it fits perfectly.

The others were too shocked to say something as they've never handled a case all alone. Namjoon oppa will be the first to handle a case on his own.

Jungkook: But I was assigned as your assistant, not him. I should be the one to handle the case-

Jane: He'll be doing it by himself. Without me. And you're assigned to handle the cases that are particularly give to me. Moreover, it's already solved but is kept as a secret.

Jungkook seemed a bit disappointed by my answer and so does everyone else. Maybe Namjoon oppa has felt the disappointment aura so he defended.

Namjoon: But Jane I don't know if I can handle the case. I'm still new for it. I think Jungkook should do it because he's already been with you for a case so might know.

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