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Part 43!

Jane P.O.V

After the practice, we all headed back to home and right now we all are sitting on the dining table waiting for the maid to serve us the dinner. As I'm not gonna eat much, so I decided to check out some old memories which are placed in the last door inside the secret room. The maid served the food and we all joined our hands to pray and then started eating.

Jimin: Jane would you like to join us tonight for playing games? It's been a long since you played with us and Janet.

Jane: Umm, I'll see. I'm not sure but there are very less chances of me to come. Depends on my mood and moreover, I have something to do.

Jungkook: C'mon Jane please. You can do your work sometime else. Please?

Yoongi: Jungkook, stop being a bart. She told you that she's busy and might not be able to join that means it's something important so don't force her. And Jane, you don't have to worry about him. I know how to handle him. You can concentrate on your work.

Jane: Thank you but it's totally fine. It's not a big deal, I'll try to join you guys if I get time.

Hoseok: Umm, so Jane, tell us something about yourself. I mean we know nothing much about you. About your past. Where were you born or how was your childhood.

I freezed. Why is he suddenly asking about my past. It might be a simple question but it's not giving me the good vibe. I should find out about it.

Jane: Uhh, my past? It's as simple as a normal girl, I guess. I was born in India and I shifted to America when I was five and then went to Spain for some work when I was twelve. After I turned nineteen, I started my career as a singer, actress and a model. That's it.

I tried my best to make the details minimal but believable so that he won't suspect me. I quickly finished my dinner and went upstairs. I closed the door of my room and locked it then grabbed my phone and called Yeonjun. After some rings, he picked up the call.


"You've got something to do"

"And what's that?"

"I want you to give me the call records of someone"

"And who's that?"

"Hoseok oppa. Please don't ask questions. I feel like it's him"

"Sure I won't"

"Thanks a lot"

"Take care"

"You too"

And the call ended. My mood was in the verge of ruining and I don't wanna see the old memories with a bad mood. I decided to join the maknaes tonight. I walked down to the gaming room and opened the door but there wasn't any sign of them. I was confused by this so I decided to check their rooms. Maybe they're playing in their room.

The room which was the nearest was of Jimin oppa. I knocked the door and heard a small 'its open' before entering the room. The view was nothing more than I expected it to be, Jimin oppa, Jungkook oppa and Daniel were sitting on the thick carpet laying on the floor, playing games.

Jungkook: Oh Jane! You need something?

Jimin: That's not how you welcome her kook. C'mon Jane join us, we're almost done with the last round. And moreover, we all know that I'm gonna win the final round.

Jungkook & Daniel: In your dreams hyung. I'm the one who'll win this.

Jane: Hmm, so you all are gonna argue on this instead of focusing on the game? That's something different.

Daniel: Yahh Jane, see he's cheating! Jungkook hyung, don't cheat she's not gonna be impressed by your silly tricks. Only I can impress her by my movements.

The room filled with laughter and I sat behind Daniel and hugged him from the back, kissing him on his left cheek. Earning two sharp glared from the other two. I ignored their glare and helped Daniel to win the game. The final round ended and the screen showed the name "Daniel" as the winner. The two elder groaned and complained. To tease them more, Daniel stick out his tongue to them and they just whined like small kids. Now I'm feeling like I'm in a room with three kids wanting attention.

Jungkook: Jane it's not fair. You helped him and that's why he won.

Jane: My objection is that you both were the one who was busy glaring me instead of focusing on the game.

Author's P.O.V

Jimin: *In Korean* Why the hell were you looking at her? Don't stare again.

Jungkook: Why do you care? It's not like she's yours.

Jimin: She's neither mine nor yours. Nobody owns her. She's not a thing that someone can own. Just don't stare at her. She might feel uncomfortable.

Jungkook: Don't tell me you like her.

Jimin: What if I do? What are you gonna do then? You can't do anything. Moreover, you're the maknae, and I know much more than you do.

Jungkook: You-

Jane: Guys, sorry to interrupt but if you both are done talking then shall we start the game?

Jimin: Sure why not?

He gave her a sweet yet flirtatious smile and she returned him one. The golden maknae was burning in jealousy but none of them could sense that. The game started and Daniel was the first to lose the game. He left after saying that he's sleepy. Now only Jane, Jimin and Jungkook were left in the room. As Jane was sitting between both of them, they both didn't even talked or looked at each other.

Who would look somewhere else when they have a better view right beside them? They both stole glances of Jane as she was focused on playing the game. After some time, she also started to feel sleepy so she decided to end the game.

Jane: Guys, that's it for today. I'm going to my room.

She stood up from the carpet and was about to leave the room when Jungkook held her hand making her stop in her track.

Jungkook: Please stay a bit longer. We'll close this soon. Just a bit longer. Please?

Jane hesitated because she's already suffering from insomnia and it's difficult for her to get some sleep, but then Jimin also held her hand telling her to stay for some time. As they both made some cute pleading faces, she agreed to stay. The game started again and she was so sleepy that she could sleep there only. She leaned her head on the nearest shoulder without knowing the owner, and soon drifted in her dreamland.

Hoseok P.O.V

After Jane explained us about her past, all of my doubts are gone. The call must be a spam call. She's just a normal girl with a normal past. And she didn't even tried to change the topic. Her behaviour was natural and I'm sure she's telling the truth. If not, then I think a person do need some time to think for a lie but she answered straight forwardly without any hesitation. Jane do deserve us and we do deserve her. I was just a fool to think that the person was right.

End Of Chapter

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