Chapter Two

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- Ashley Gray -

Two Weeks Later.

I wake up without a frown on my face for the first time in months. It worries me at first, I'm not used to the odd notion of normalcy and comfort, but I don't feel that ingrained need to run today. I choose to lay within the boiling sauna of the tent I half-heartedly slept in with a sense of belonging. My back continues to ache but the mud is far more pleasant than the cold floorboards of my cabin.

I'm becoming vulnerable. I can feel it like a tick drinking every last drop of my blood; I've been here too long already. My emotions are bubbling, cooking up a plate of trust with a side of happiness. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I became emotionally attached and then watched them all die before me. I bring death with me like a loyal dog trailing me where ever I go. And there is nothing I can do about it.

I push the thoughts to the back of my mind for now. I'll make my plan of departure later on. I need to finalise my knowledge of my surroundings first and then I'll gather some food. I have leverage here, I have time to plan which is something I will treasure - I could've used more of it the last time.

I sit up and stretch out my arms, yawning even though I had the best nights sleep since being here, since being anywhere. I check my belongings, assuring myself that no one took my knife or rummaged through my bag while I slept. I release a sigh of relief as I am equipped with all my possessions. I secure my knife further in my boot, tucking the cuff of my jeans over the top of the blade's handle for extra comfort.

I exit my cramped tent, sniffing the scent of fire and some sort of food cooking and sizzling upon it. I glance at my surroundings, the sea of green and orange tents almost blinding me as the sun does too. I notice the glowing embers flying into the dead grass beside it. I slowly make my way over to the fire where Eloise and Jamie (Craig's wife and son) sit, grilling the food I can smell.

Jamie sinks into a large garden chair, swinging his legs back and forth, gazing at the floor in boredom. He must have heard the soil kicking up underneath my boots because his meagre head flies up. He grins as he sees me coming over. I give a floundering smile as I take a seat in the narrow chair opposite the son and his mother.

Eloise greets me as Jamie stares in awe at my face for the fifth time since I arrived. He is eyeing my scar, the one reaching from the edge of my mouth to my earlobe. I had noticed the rest of the group also gazing at my scar now and then, curiosity killing them but they couldn't ask. I know it's obvious, it's my most notable feature now, but I guarantee that it is not as gruesome now as it was when inflicted. You couldn't imagine the amount of blood...

Jamie blurts out the question written all over his face as any intrigued child would, "How'd you get the scar?"

"Jamie!" Eloise scolds.

It's a question that I had no doubt would be brought up sooner or later. I couldn't avoid it. Only, I had thought an adult would be the one to ask, not the youngest member of their group. I lift and shake my hand before speaking up.

"No, it's alright." I clear my throat. "I just met a very nasty man," I answer, lacking in detail of course. The sheer thought of what happened makes me shiver. I didn't want to scare the poor boy so my words were gentle despite the disgust.

Jamie looks down in embarrassment and Eloise looks at me in sorrow, seeing the discomfort on my face and respecting that I can't say more on the subject.

I'm sorry. I hope you did worse to him. Jamie retorts after a moment, his soft voice contradictory against the statement. I let him believe that I did because I wish I could let myself believe it too.

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