Chapter Seven

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- Ashley Gray -

Three Weeks Later.

A few weeks or so have graciously passed, our group of ten trudging along in a daze. We ran out of canned and tinned foods three days ago and without the preciousness of time, it's been a struggle finding any point in which we can pause and roast the meat that Cody and I have caught along the way. As much I hate to admit it, Cody is still teaching me how to hunt with my longbow with perfect precision. I am usually a fast learner, but squirrels are a lot quicker than your average corpse, proving difficult for me to shoot them in time before they scurry away to their home, probably protecting their own family. I hate thinking about how horrible it is to be killing and eating animals, especially when you think that perhaps they have a mate and a few pups to look after up in a tree somewhere. But, then again, we've got to eat too.

Not only have we eaten all our food, but we're also running very low on water and the ammunition we found. It hasn't lasted as long as we would have liked after the various hordes we have come across on our travels.

We have a couple of full water bottles left, so we've been rationing. Luckily for us, we're not savages. But for some people, at the end of the day, sharing is no longer caring as it's first come, first serve or simply, every man for himself.

A couple of my arrows have split, along with Cody's but we borrow and lend our stash of bolts between each other. Everyone else has at least one full barrel or magazine for their guns, while we all have a knife each; even little Jamie has a pocket knife. He begged for a small handgun, pleading that a gun would keep him safer but to his dismay, Craig said no. I thought Jamie could handle the responsibility, but it's not my decision to make.

"So, we can go east a mile and reach this river; we could set up camp there for a while. Or, we go forward: south, where there's a police station. It may or may not have guns, that's a risk to take." Charlie explains, taking charge of the meeting as he points and directs on the large map displayed on the ground.

We are in a mini-clearing within the woods; Megan and Eloise watch the perimeter for threats while Alex, Craig, Cody and I gather around the chartered map. The creases and ripped edges make it barely eligible, I could make out about one street name. The rest of the group hover around, taking the rare moment to rest after a round of trekking for hours on end.

"Personally, east is where I'd go." Charlie shrugs, lifting his head to look at us all.

"Hmm," Alex murmurs, his long fingers brushing through his growing waves that fall in front of his eyes. He's deep in thought as he stares at the map. His eyes squint and widen as he silently considers options with himself. I shake my head, an amused smile playing at my lips as I look at him. I can't help but find him humorous as his facial expressions change with thought. He looks rather odd.

I crouch down from my standing position to get a closer look at the confusion of colourful, overlapping lines. I sigh, my hands twitching as I am conflicted on what to say.

"I say we go south, get the guns then come back and go east," I suggest, looking to the others for confirmation. I'm still not completely accustomed to being with a group so, I do find it difficult not going and doing what I want without considering the majority. I can't always get my way now.

As I look up I see Cody shrug, Craig shakes his head no and Alex and Charlie obtain straight faces. Charlie doesn't mind what we choose as long as there's safety at the end of the road, but Alex, as the leader of our group, it was unusual to see him so clueless.

"N-no." Alex finally speaks, he looks to me, our eyes connecting. I raise an eyebrow, questioning him. "It's too much of a journey that way. It's one way or another. Charlie, what's west?" He conveys then asks. His eyes set in stone now, he looks more focused.

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