A competition?- chapter 1

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A young man was quietly walking around in the crowded streets of Yiling. He sure had some experience of such things from past, but for now he knows nothing about the general world since where he grew up was a quiet mountain with discipline yet freedom, and there weren't weirdos screaming, shouting, yelling to sell things. For now he really couldn't afford much good thing he left yiling with some money and food. Beginning is always hard. 

 He walked around as he observed everything around, after seeing such a view after so many years really felt new, he's gonna get used to it soon. 'what's going on there?' he said as he stopped at a place while walking and curiously looked at a crowd surrounded just by people standing, talking, whispering as if something strange happened. He forced himself into the crowd out of curiousity. There was nothing but a sign with a board on it. In the board was a sheet of paper, "what's so special " he sliently whispered just to himself.

"Well you see, The clan leader of Gusu Lan Clan, Lan xichen has declared a competition just for most talented cultivators, this is an invitation." he didn't expect a response but he just nodded  suprisingly and smiled. The address was written and Wei ying was overwhelmed with joy. He took a note of the address and timings, it was on thursday. While today was a friday. He walked away Smiling cheerfully. 'Hah, imagine having this much luck, such a miracle to already have a chance.' he thought to himself, but for now he most needed was an inn to stay in for a few days. 

He decided rent an inn in the streets of yiling, he went down to the bar and ordered some drinks, he wasn't familiar with much of them yet he was excited to try them out. One thing he was taught by Baoshan was to avoid "wine" since "it's not good for health" and why would he not obey it? He was only familiar to juices, mocktails and he did drink a little bit cocktail as well. As he sat down he called a waiter and ordered some mocktails.

"Yes yes ofcourse! we serve drinks here, Wine is the most popular though! would you like to try it-"

"No Thanks" the waiter smiled and nodded and just as he was about to leave he was called again "hey wait" he turned around

"How far is Gusu lan from here?" he questioned, "The famous gusu lan clan? Are you planning to travel there? I must say it's veryyy farr" closed his eyes as he said. 

"how far?"

"Maybe around 1,100 km from Yiling?"

"1000 WHAT?" he said suprisingly, just now like an hour ago he got his hopes high up, he felt like he was blessed with charm. 

the waiter asked, "Let me guess my friend, You're going there for the cultivator hunt thingy or something?"

"Yea.. Actually I am a REALLLY great imfamous cultivator" He said although after he said the waiter was laughing, "What's funny?" he asked curiously

"there are actually no cultivators in yiling. Even if youre an small one, you could have had name all around people could even call you 'yiling patriach'! Even if your a small cultivator it can amaze people"

Wei ying frowned at the statement, No cultivators? was there actually a place with no cultivators? But this was where his mother and him grew together and after all it's not been more than . after the waiter and wei ying had a small good talk, wei ying left back to his room with a cup of mocktail as he placed it on the table, he thought about it, if he really wants to reach gusu lan with just walking it'll probably take him more than a week, he did have suibian. He could ride it but once again, suibian also has a spirit and it can get tired, although with suibian it can take him 3 days. That's right!  3-4 days should be enough that's all that's needed! 

he thought about it for some time b-but the charges? this is a big chance it'll only occur once but how will he get money? I mean three days should be enough or infact if he will have to rest while afternoon and get off at the night. it'll be appropiate amount of money but still food charges.. it'll possibly take 80/100 of his money but again everyone will be awarded and this is a good opportunity as well, If he was the best disciple among others in celestrial mountain with Baoshan Sanren. Even 'if' he participated there was not even a chance he'll lose, especially with his suibian, it can probably defeat one single advanced cultivator alone. "Fine then, i'll take whatever it takes to get me some money and.... friends"  he smiled at his statement as he gulped down whole mocktail like wine, did he even knew about wine? 

He Rested his suibian aside from his bed and went to sleep after finally accepting his decision. He didn't want to put himself onto any stress, man this was the first he got so lucky, after ages he can finally see the outside world where he grew up, his home. He didn't even expect it to be so noisy, not like he grew up in a class which was already loud with backbiting and gossiping. He had a chance this time, hopefully he could make some cultivator or villagers friends. All he wanted was to protect the poor, weak. That's how he wanted to use his powers, and he will. He will live a simple life protecting his loved ones, weak, poor, elders and children with nothing in reward. No matter how the enviroment is around him, Whether they will trust him or not he'll try his best to make it laughable, filled with happiness and confidence, perhaps grateful to have him, him to be grateful to have them. So, he could call it "a family".

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