Chapter 2 - Max

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Max had noticed lately that Conjure was acting weird ever since Max showed her the old book. Not only that, but she was always in her room, talking to herself. Max felt kind of left out; like she didn't matter and nonexistent.

No; maybe I AM nonexistent. Maybe I'm just a side character in Conjure's life story? Max shuddered at the thought. Conjure was a jerk; she needed to learn to grow. If she was in any story at all it would be all the times that Conjure was a jerk and took it out on Max. I can't wait for the scene where she begs for forgiveness, Max thought angrily as she watched Conjure get ready for bed, mumbling about how it was her "unlucky day."

Max narrowed her eyes and looked at the thick book in her hands with Lore of the Magicka in gold. She got up and closed her bedroom door and felt almost like she was the only one who knew the book's secrets.

She smirked softly and opened its cover. Inside were several pages filled with notes upon notes and what looked like circles with patterns inside of them up until the halfway mark. The halfway-mark and farther in the book were blank pages. The blank pages were to make new magic spells. She had already drawn the patterns on paper, like the one with notes on how to "strengthen" herself via hand motions and breathing techniques.

The other secret, though, was that there was something living inside the book. She had noticed it when she noticed several new pages filled out right in front of her. She had just thought about how an invisibility spell would be useful and somehow, in a split second, there was one.

Not only that, but it could communicate to her! She would often talk to it. "How's it going, Saga?" she whispered to a blank page. Her sentence she spoke became words on the blank piece of paper, before it sunk inside the pages, as if the book was taking in the information.

And then, in curly handwriting, it said, Hello, Max.

"Heh, I'll find a way to free you, don't worry Saga." Max smiled softly at the book. Saga was the name of the soul inside the book. He was trapped inside of it by a binding curse in its very pages. She wasn't exactly sure how to free him, but that was okay...She thought so, anyways. She wasn't entirely sure. She had gotten to know Saga a bit more lately, but she was still getting to know him.

You don't have to, you know. I'm just fine in this book. I don't mind living here, perhaps it's for the better—there must be a reason I'm stuck here in the first place. Though, I don't really remember why I was trapped in the first place. My memory is a bit rusty.

"Understandable. Well, I'm going to go to bed now, so I'll talk to you soon," Max said softly. She smiled and closed the book, turning off her light and climbing under her blankets.


Max opened her eyes and found herself suspended in the air. "GAHHHHHHHH! CONJUREEEE!" She screeched, trying to swim through the air that kept trying to push her farther down. "I'M SCARED!"

Conjure looked around worriedly and then looked down at her journal with a sigh. "Paranoia, is this Rynx? If so, you can come out now and save us now!!" Conjure hissed, not letting the fear through, even though Max could tell she was scared. Really, really scared.

Max trembled, the wind whipping her face. I'm sorry Saga, I don't think that I'll live long enough to help you!

But Conjure looked brave, so Max would try to be as well.

Instead, to stop thinking about her inevitable death, she looked around. The world she was in now had a dark red sky and black clouds, and looking down from the sky, she saw a bank of a river with teal grass and black water rushing quickly, lapping at the bank softly as it rushed by.

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