58 - the key

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my eyes flash open to Sarah shaking me awake gently. I glance round us, and it seems to be that we are on topper's boat.

"Sar?" my voice comes out hoarse and she shakes her head, silencing me. "We're almost to the chateau, so wake up sleepy head." she lightly nudges me as I rub my eyes, trying to get the sleep out of them. After Topper had gotten us from the dock last night, I was completely and utterly exhausted so I must have fallen asleep before we even docked by his house.

"Is that John B?" I hear Sarah shout and before I can even catch a glimpse, I can tell she's grinning ear to ear. She must really love him. "Oh my god he's out! Li he's out!" she tugs on my arm, yanking me to the front of the boat as we park next to the boat docked and Sarah practically climbs over me into John B's arms.

"Look at the happy couple." JJ says sarcastically as his hand extends to grasp mine, effortlessly pulling me into the other boat.

"I thought you were a criminal?" I look john B up and down and he sighs. "They dropped all the charges."

"What?!" Sarah exclaims from next to me and I feel my eyebrows shoot up in surprise. "Yeah, no, yeah. I'm a free man." Sarah pulls him into an embrace once again, tears brimming her eyes.

"But listen, Sarah, they're coming after Rafe." my body floods with relief but also fear. What if the boy Charlotte fell in love with is still in there? I shake the feeling off and say, "Good, he's completely unhinged. He pretended to be wheezy last night and jumped us. That's why we didn't come back."

"Yeah, man. Rafe has lost his mind. Literally, almost broke Delilah's nose and drowned his own sister. Thankfully, I got there... got there just in time." topper adds from behind us and I feel JJ's grip tighten around my waist.

"yeah, he did." sarah says quietly and an awkward silence follows. Nobody sure what to say.

"Uh, well, I guess I owe you one, Topper, don't I?" Topper scoffs, "It's all good. I mean somebody had to rescue your girlfriends, right?" He makes eye contact with JJ and John B. JJ shifts his weight forward but I pull him back, shaking my head. Not here and not right now.

"Uh, that's funny because she's not actually my girlfriend, right?" He looks at Sarah, smiling. "Uh, then what is she then?"

"I'm..I'm with him." Sarah stutters out and John B looks pissed as topper laughs. "Gotcha. You're with him. Okay, yeah. I just, like, needed a little clarity there. You guys clear on that?" he looks at the other four of us and I avoid eye contact.

"I think it's clear you gotta go now." JJ steps forward as Topper nods, tapping his boat with his hand. "Think I'll head out. It's about that time." he turns away for a second but Sarah pulls him into a hug. "Topper, thank you."

toppers eyes are glued to John B's as he says, "Yeah, of course. I'm just glad you're okay." With that, he drives away and everyone heads back to the chateau, leaving JJ and I alone on the doc.

"We've had some pretty memorable nights out here," JJ looks at me before pulling me into his lap. "I love you Jay." My eyes meet his and butterflies explode in my stomach. "I love you too Li. How are my girls?" his hands fall onto my lower abdomen and I smile.

"Not too bad. I haven't been as sick as I was before but I shouldn't get ahead of myself. She might pull a fast one on me." I chuckle as I entwine our hands together. "You are the love of my life you know that right?" I nod before his lips are pressed onto mine. I feel his tongue trace my front teeth, begging for entrance and I immediately allow it, shoving him into the plywood of the dock.

"JJ!" a voice shouts from the end of the dock and we both jolt apart. "We gotta bounce my dads hurt!' Pope runs towards us, Kie, Sarah and John B following close behind them. The boat ride is relatively short and Sarah and I get to work.

"Just let me know if I'm hurting you." Sarah says quietly as she disinfects his cut above his eyebrow and he assures her that he's just fine.

"Pop, what happened" Pope asks, worry thick in his voice. "oh, I should have known better. He came in just as I was about to lock up. Caught me by surprise. Once he had me done, he put his knee in my chest, and he asked me about that... that... that key from that drawing you showed me. And in case you're wondering, I ain't tell him nothing. Now did you track it down?"

Pope purses his lips as he reaches into his pocket, pulling out the key and handing it to his dad. "I found it in Mee-maw's old apartment above the pharmacy just like you said."

"shit boy, you should've gave this to me. I wouldn't have had to take a beating. What's the big deal? It ain't worth anything. Why they want it so bad?" Heyward says and Pope shakes his head.

"I don't know. First, I get this letter telling me that I need to Charleston. And then I meet this rich lady who wants me to give her a key that I didn't even know was in my family. "

"none of it makes any sense." Kie shakes her head next to me, her hair falling in her face. "Well, don't y'all just sit here whining about it. figure it out!" he raises his voice and Pope's face turns sour.

"No. I'm just gonna give the key to that lady. It's not worth-"

"No, no, no. Did I raise you to back down from a fight, boy?" Pope shakes his head, "no, sir."

"well, all right. Now, I... I didn't think about it before. I admit that. But now." Heyward points to his bandaged forehead, "Now? I'm interested. Well, did they say why they wanted it?"

"Something about an old cross. I think it might be some kind of lost treasure."

"You know who you should talk to?" He gestures to pope with the key, "Your great-grandmother, Mee-maw"

Long time no see.
Season three was great
and I cannot
wait to write it.
I have missed you guys
so much but heres to
a very late chapter
from my very hectic life.
P.S my girlfriend loves
your guys' excitement
for the book.

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