21 - innocent

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"Still can't believe topper didn't kill you last night," I shake my head, stealing a piece of gum from the shelf connected to the cash register as Pope sends me a look. "I'm gonna pay for it so take a chill pill please." I put my hands up in defense, grabbing a five dollar bill and setting it in his hand.

After the fight last night Kiara squeezes every last detail about JJ and I's newly made relationship, minus you know, on the ride home. Once we arrived at the chateau I practically collapsed onto the couch and sometime after I fell asleep. When I woke up John b was nowhere to be found so we all headed up to Heywards to help.

"I'm not sure either. It wasn't even a fair fight." Pope says, walking back with my change and laying it into my hand. "Don't let it get in your head. Three of them and two of us. That's some typical kook shit right there." JJ scoffs and a second later a beanbag is thrown my way.

I catch it with ease, nodding while tossing it to Ki, "Right you are." Both of the boys nod before JJ walks over to me, slipping his arm around my
waist. "What was your thought process with using your head?"

Pope shakes his head, switching places with Ki at the cash register. "I don't know, man. I just kinda acted off of instinct. I was a cornered animal." He starts but is soon interpreted by heyward coming into the store.

"Hey Pope, someone here to see you!" He says and the four of us turn our attention to the door. The second we see the face of the person I can feel my stomach plummet.

"Evening Mr. Covey." Pope immediately straightens his back and I jump off of the counter, JJ coming up behind me and and pacing his fingers with mine behind my back.

"It's officer to you. I have an arrest warrant for felony of destruction of property." My dad says, reaching for the handcuffs as Pope glances back at JJ, his eyes pleading for help. "Hands where I can see 'em."

That's when I feel my ears go mute. Suddenly JJ is no longer behind me and is following my dad, yelling something about being paid and Pope is bent against the counter, handcuffs around his wrist. Ki pushes past me following them but I'm frozen in place. That's when JJ starts shoving an officer and I snap back into reality.

"JJ stop it's only gonna get him into more trouble." I walk up to him, taking his hand into mine and he immediately relaxes. He glances at me as Pope is walked toward the car and I can tell something's about to happen and even if I tried there would be nothing I could to do to stop it.

"It wasn't him!" JJ yells, releasing his grip from mine and both my dad and pope stare at him, doe eyed. "It was me." He starts to walk forward, leaving me at the steps in front of the doorway.

"He tried to talk me out of it, but I was mad because he had just been beaten up. I was so sick of those assholes from figure eight that I lost my shit." JJ shrugs as Pope shakes his head at him, his eyebrows furrowed. I feel Ki's arm wrap around my shoulder in an attempt to comfort me.

"I can't let you take the blame for something I did. You've got too much to lose." He makes eye contact with Pope, who is practically fuming. "JJ what are you doing?"

"I'm telling the truth. For once in my goddamn life I'm gonna tell the truth." JJ's gaze switches from Pope to my dad and in that moment I could tell he was lying. He was lying for Pope. He was taking the blame so his future wouldn't be ruined.

"And I took his old man's boat too." He adds and Heyward looks at JJ, disgust on his face. "JJ come on?" Pope pleads but JJ wont have it. "Just shut up Pope! Just shut up."

A small smile spreads across his face as he looks at pope before he looks back at my dad. " he's a good kid. You know where I'm from." Pope's eyes are begging JJ to let this go. To say he's lying and let him take the fall for his own actions but I know JJ isn't going to give up. These people are the closest that JJ has to family and I wish I didn't understand why he was doing this. "It was all me."

"That's the whole truth?" My dad look at pope but JJ answers for him. "Whole truth swear to god." And I see my dads eyes darken. "I know what you think damn it, I'm asking Pope." He shouts and I feel myself jump. Ki shoots me a look but I just shrug it off, fixing my attention back onto what's happening in front of us.

Pope stares at JJ bur he won't budge and he
sighs, "Yeah that about covers it." My dad takes the handcuffs and puts them around JJ's wrists , shoving him into the truck but before his head goes in, JJ looks and me and a tear spills down my cheek. Then the car drives away, my boyfriend and dad in it.

"Hey are you okay? You seem a little off?" Ki says and before I can respond I lean over, emptying my stomach into the grass next to me. I feel ki's hands grab my hair as I drop to my hands and knee's. "Let's take you home." She says once I'm done, pulling me up from the ground and helping me to the car. The car ride itself isn't very eventful. It's mostly me and Kiara sitting in silence up until we arrive at my house.

"Are you sick? Is that why you've been so off lately and why you passed out on the boat the other day?" She faces me, her eyes saddening. "Hey no it's nothing like that, I'm fine I promise so don't worry about me. I've just been a little sick that's all." I lie through my teeth and although she doesn't seem to buy into it, she doesn't say anything else about it.

"Thank you for the ride home though. I think I'm going to try to sleep this off before midsummers." I sigh, opening the car door, earning a groan from
Ki. "Don't remind me of that stupid event. No matter how many times I've tried to get out of it my mom won't let me."

"It's not going to be that bad I promise. Now I'll see you tonight." I smile at her before shutting the car door and walking up to my front door. I don't get a chance to open it before it's yanked open, grey eyes staring down at me, sending shivers down my spine.


Aww shit I got you on a
cliffhanger didn't I?
Sorry but not really.
Anyways guess what!?
Midsummers is now
this episode and I am
so flipping excited
you don't even know.
I have some pretty
fun things planned
but until then I hope
you enjoyed this chapter
and stay tuned for the next one.

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