Beach Day (16 Years Old) 💙❤️

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"What a perfect day to go to the beach," Goh smiled, looking up at the bright sun keeping them warm.

"Yeah, it's sunny today!" Ash exclaimed, placing a towel down in the sizzling sand. He look off his shirt and lied flat on his stomach, all stretched out.

"Nice ocean breeze, too," Goh observed, sitting down next to where Ash was laying and taking out a bottle of sunscreen. "Maybe we could find some more pokémon later," Goh said, spreading the sunscreen along his boyfriend's back.

"Yeah, you're right," Ash nodded.

Ash sprung up right after Goh was done applying his sunblock as well.

"Let's go!" Ash cheered, tugging on Goh's arm, attempting to pull him up from his seated position, pulling him towards the water.

"No, no, you go," Goh said, pulling his arm back. "I'll watch you. I just want to read right now," he smiled, pulling out one of his pokémon books.

Ash looked at his boyfriend, with one of those half-disappointed, half-confused looks. Sometimes, Ash just couldn't understand the boy. Goh had a pretty interesting personality. One minute, he'd be super outgoing and joyful, and the other minute he'd be quiet and stick to reading and catching pokémon. Sometimes he'd be super shy, and sometimes he'd be the one pulling Ash to go somewhere.

"Are you sure?" Ash asked quietly. "Will you at least come after?"

"Of course I will," Goh laughed. "Just give me a minute to settle in."

Ash nodded, right before running out over the long distance of sand and into the cold, salty ocean water.

Goh's eyes peered above the book's pages he held in front of him, silently watching Ash. His gaze was set upon his boyfriend's perfect, toned, muscular body. The splashes of water glazed his tanned skin, outlining and defining his chest. His oily, jet-black hair was pulled back by the water which pushed through when he dunked, dripping down in small droplets on Ash's dreamy face.

Then Goh looked down at himself. He was skinny and boney. And there's multiple reasons for that.

The thing is, Goh wasn't as athletic as Ash was. He wasn't very good at running for long periods of time, or playing sports, or anything like that. He was better at things like math, or knowledge towards pokémon. He didn't really bring this up much, but he was also really good and interested in singing, drawing, and designing. He was pretty much good at anything but athletics.

Everyone thought he was an odd child. People stayed away from him. He didn't have a lot of friends growing up, and he always felt like nobody would ever love him. From a young age, he struggled with anxiety, and with eating disorders growing up. He'd always eat too much or too little. But adding his stress, he started skipping meals, and eventually starving himself. His stomach got used to little food, so his body had always been small in that way.

He compared himself to other people often. His mental health was bad; he tried to hide his feelings with a prideful and confident face, while keeping it to himself.

But when Goh met Ash, he finally felt loved. Ash started helping Goh with his problems, and Goh started to feel much happier than he used to be. But he still was way skinnier than most.

And although he had gotten better at his eating habits, he still felt self-conscious about his body. And maybe a body like that might not seem attractive to most, Ash found it just fine. He didn't care about a person's body or looks; he cared about what was on the inside.

Sometimes Goh was unsure about his body, and how it was so different from most boys. But Ash promised him that he was beautiful, just the way he was.

Ash really helped Goh get more comfortable with himself.

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